Suprita Anupam

Germ-free toilet in 3 seconds!

AIRCRAFT LAVATORIES are at the upfront when it comes to the most expansive ones across sections. Right from ‘chemical toilet blue water recirculated electric flush’ to ‘vacuum flush’, aircraft lavatories…

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Tapping the Untapped

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]“As we start catering to the demands of East-Asia, Africa and B2C segments in India, the aim is to achieve 25% growth,” said Nadeem Siddqui, CEO-Altret Industries…

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Make in (Clean) India

New initiatives ‘Make in India’ and ‘Clean India Mission’ have geared up the socioeconomic feature of the country. Increasing CSR funds and new FDI inflows have been channelized to boost…

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