This airport has achieved Airport Carbon Accreditation certification to Level 3 ‘Optimisation.’ It is also the first airport in the country to convert all ground operations to biofuel. The airport is equipped with a state-of-the-art 2 MLD (million litres per day) sewage treatment plant and a rain-water harvesting system that has ensured zero discharge and 100% recycling, complying with Karnataka State Pollution Control Board and Ministry of Environment & Forests norms. The STP also facilitates 100% utilisation of sludge, which is used as bio- fertilisers for over 100 acres of landscaped area. Additional efficiencies are achieved through the use of power-saving extended surface aerators that automate the process. The treated water is used entirely in-house, for landscaping, firefighting and HVAC after softening.
The airport switched to 100% eco bags last year with all food and beverage outlets as well as retails concessionaires on the 4,000-acre premises offering cloth or paper bags in place of plastics, reinforcing its commitment to green living. Through this initiative the airport elevated livelihood of thousands of women engaged with “Ubuntu at Work” at rural locations across South India. All F&B and retail outlets across the terminal use these bags.