Buyers Duped with Fake Counterfeits How can consumers differentiate between fake and original products?

Counterfeits or cloned products used across industries has been misleading consumers of popular brands. Vectair Systems Limited in India is represented by Excel International, its exclusive importer for the past 12 years. Their flagship product, V-Screen®, recently, faced flak with counterfeits flooding the Indian market. Clean India Journal, in a recent interview with Joe Ovenden, Business Development Director, Vectair Systems Limited, discussed at length on how to identify original brands and safeguard from cloned products.

What are the products offered by Vectair in India?

Vectair’s product portfolio in India includes a range of solutions tailored for commercial spaces, such as:

•     Aircare Systems: Advanced systems to ensure fresh and fragrant environments.

•     Urinal Hygiene Products: Market-leading innovations like V-Screen® that enhance cleanliness and reduce odours.

•     Surface Cleaning Solutions: Designed to uphold the highest hygiene standards

These products have gained trust and recognition for their reliability.

These fake products, which imitate Vectair’s branding and packaging, are being sold as originals, misleading customers and compromising quality standards. This alarming trend not only impacts Vectair’s business but also poses significant risks to end users, as counterfeit products are unregulated for compliance.

— Joe Ovenden

What made you aware of counterfeit V-Screen® products being sold in India?

Our V-Screen® is manufactured using a unique technique to ensure consistent quality and compliance. When customers began reporting issues with fragrance consistency and performance, we investigated thoroughly and discovered counterfeit products being passed off as our originals.

How have these counterfeit products impacted your business?

The counterfeits have caused confusion among customers, who questioned whether we had altered the quality of our products. This not only affected our sales but also tarnished our reputation, as the counterfeit products are of inferior quality and unregulated in terms of safety compliance.

What steps have you taken to address this issue?

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Vectair and Excel International have taken decisive action, including legal measures, to combat counterfeiting and protect the integrity of their brand.

We partnered with Excel International to investigate and identify outlets selling counterfeit V-Screen®. Legal action was initiated through the Delhi High Court, resulting in successful raids where fake products and business ledgers were confiscated. These efforts have led us to identify the supply chain of counterfeiters, and we are pursuing further legal measures to target the sources of these products.

How can users identify counterfeit V-Screen® products?

While counterfeits may look similar at first glance, here’s how you can distinguish the genuine V-Screen®:

1.   Outer Case: Genuine products feature a hologram label on the carton.

2.   Labeling: Originals provide full ingredient disclosure and do not mention “Trade Secret” ingredients.

3.   Packaging: V-Screen® originals are sealed in Ziplock bags to preserve fragrance.

For guaranteed authenticity, always purchase V-Screen® through Excel International.

Your word of caution?

These products are unregulated and may contain harmful chemicals, posing potential physical harm and significant reputational damage. We urge customers to ensure they are purchasing genuine V-Screen® products to protect their business and clients.

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