
Selecting Biological Processes

Water pollution in India is posing a significant threat to human health. Large volume of unprocessed wastewater is being discharged by industries into fresh water sources, resulting in frequent outbreaks…

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Managing Pest Issues in the Pharma

[box type=”shadow” ]“Cleanliness in a pharmaceutical facility has an even deeper meaning than it does in most facilities. To meet exacting regulatory standards and third-party audit requirements, there can be…

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Curbing infestation in food areas

In the wake of the number of food parks, manufacturing units, eateries… being planned across India, Clean India Journal takes stock of the different pest control mechanisms available, particularly for…

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Stop Using Plastic Bags!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating island of plastic, is estimated to be “five times the size of the continental India.” About 15000 tonnes of plastic waste is generated…

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