Technically Speaking

Clean More With Less

According to the Global Industry Analysts Inc., the global market for industrial and institutional (I&I) cleaning products is projected to exceed US$52 billion by the year 2018, with the increase…

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Streamlining factory cleaning

Ten building blocks of successful rationalisation programmes Increasing pressure of competition intensifies the pressure to continue developing technical infrastructure services for production and logistics facilities in an efficiency-oriented way. With…

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Concealing the ceiling – No More

In this competitive world, having a productive working facility is critical. As a CEO or a Manager, you may have brought in new technology, latest computers, or made sure the pantry is stocked with quality food and drink. But it is highly probable that you may have overlooked one area that directly impacts the product and productivity – the ceiling!

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Enhancing cleaning efficiency in restaurants

The successful day-to-day running of busy restaurants and kitchens is inextricably linked with modern hygiene standards and efficiency in cleaning. The same old traditional method of cleaning with mop and bucket leads to cross contamination and other hassles associated with it.

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