
Self-Cleaning eToilets

The world’s most economically priced solar powered, self-cleaning eToilet with inbuilt solar panel and metallic platform is set to bridge India’s ever growing sanitation gap. The alarming statistics of over…

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Waterless Urinals

A Solution to Industrial Sanitation Recent decision of Delhi civic bodies banning 800 waterless urinals across the city and installing conventional urinals sparked new controversies right from their procurement process…

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Open-air toilet-free village

The residents of Baghuwar have reason to smile. Every family has access to a ‘pucca’ (permanent) indoor, water-economical toilet. ‘100% open-air toilet-free village’ proclaims a sign at the panchayat ghar (village council office).

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MCGM plans towards sustainable, garbage-free city

Mumbai has been facing a solid waste management crisis for years. In order to move towards a sustainable future by adopting integrated solid waste management approach, the Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) has joined hands with private contractors. The municipal corporation spends roughly र1160 per tonne on collection, transport and disposal of MSW. Collection and transport together constitute roughly 80% of the cost. In India, the average municipal expenditure on solid waste management is र500 to र1500 per tonne. B P Patil, Chief Engineer-SWM, MCGM, explains to Preeti Swaminathan the various projects lined up for integrated SWM.

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Disposal of Sanitary Waste – Beginning with Bins

There is nothing worse for a woman than having nowhere to dispose off sanitary waste. Imagine that she is in a washroom with no sanitary bin. Does she flush the dressing? What if it does not flush and can be seen by the next user? What if it blocks the drain? Did you know that some women wrap the sanitary waste and take it home in their handbag to dispose them off? How do women get dressed in a home-away toilet with a soiled dressing in their hands?

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The Garbage Trap

It is one thing to blame the authorities for not ensuring clean roads and clean gutters and it’s another thing that the same roads and gutters are littered/choked soon after…

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