Mahim Singh, Mall Head of GG and TGIP, said, “People are always into complaining about the inadequate health and hygiene in the nation. But when on the road, they are themselves deteriorating the beauty and sanitation facilities of the place by throwing litter from their moving vehicles. Through this initiative, we aim at cultivating the healthy habit amongst car drivers to store their car litter in a better space like a car bin and when get time throw the collected waste in the dustbins instead of throwing it here and there on roads.”
“Kids are the future of the nation, but the future of the nation won’t be able to achieve much success because they will lay trapped in the vicious cage of certain infectious diseases that will be originated from the litter-lying open on the roads. To ensure the best and healthy environment for your kids to grow in, start from today the healthy habit of not throwing waste here and there on roads,” commented a spokesperson of Murari Yuva Manch.