Cleaning chemicals market to grow at 4.7%

According to the ReportsnReports’ ‘World Industrial & Institutional (I&I) Cleaning Chemicals to 2016’ market research report, the developing markets will spur world growth by 4.7% annually through to 2016. This report profiles more than 30 global competitors in the I & I cleaning chemicals market.

The worldwide demand for I & I cleaning chemicals is likely to exceed $44 billion in 2016. The fastest growing segments will be in healthcare, and food & beverage processing. Developing markets in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe will lead the advances.

Disinfectants are expected to lead the global I & I cleaning chemicals market growth. Around the world, sales of disinfectants and sanitisers will experience healthy advances as food industry participants at all levels seek to satisfy the stringent safety requirements of consumers, regulators and national & global food retailers & foodservice companies.

Worldwide increases in infection control efforts will boost demand in healthcare settings — a trend that will be beneficial not only for specialised disinfectants, but for more general janitorial/sanitation products as well.

Products that present the greatest concern in terms of environmental and workplace safety will face greater competition from plant-derived compounds and other more environmentally benign ingredients. This is true in developing markets as well, although many of the innovations will come in the form of packaging reductions and reduced energy consumption in production, rather than dramatic changes in product formulation.

General purpose cleaners and floorcare products will remain the largest product categories, combining to account for almost 45% of overall demand. However, growth in demand for these products will be somewhat slower than average.

General purpose cleaners will be replaced by more specialised products, particularly in developing markets. Growth for floorcare products will be restrained by market maturity in many of the larger markets, and a trend favouring somewhat simplified floorcare routines, in part to reduce labour costs. Nevertheless, favourable growth prospects exist for multifunctional general purpose cleaning products with greater convenience and user safety – such as those products that contain antibacterial additives or are suitable for use in a variety of applications. — Cleanzine


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