Compost System for Food Waste Recycling

Bokashi, a Japanese food recycling technology based on ancient fermentation practices, utilises rice bran and beneficial microorganisms to quickly break down food waste while also suppressing smells, making it the ideal food recycling solution for more populous areas

With the increased interest in ecologically responsible food production, it is not surprising that many companies are seeking out cost-efficient approaches to food recycling. And while traditional composting works, the foul smell, peripheral vermin, required food sorting, and lengthy decomposition process make it a poor match for many businesses and homeowners.

“Bokashi” is Japanese for fermented organic matter and the practice dates back centuries. Japanese farmers traditionally covered food waste with microorganism-rich soil that would ferment the left-over food. After a few weeks, the fermented material would be buried and would quickly break down into nutrient-rich soil.

Today, practitioners use a combination of rice bran and microorganisms to break down food wastes in a very similar fashion.

The process starts in a bucket, which allows you to layer the bran and microorganisms as more food is added, ensuring an efficient breakdown. And unlike standard composting, fermentation results in amino acids and alcohols rather than foul smelling ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The result is virtually no unpleasant fumes, vermin or bugs. These benefits make Bokashi a very attractive option is you need to recycle food wastes in close proximately to humans or public spaces.

For enhanced efficiency of Bokashi addition of Effective Microorganisms (EM) would create what is often referred to as EM Bokashi. EM is a microbial inoculant solution distributed in North America by the Texas-based company, TeraGanix. Adding EM makes the process even more fool-proof, ensuring the right mix of microorganisms every time new food wastes are added.

Many companies – especially those in service industries such as restaurants, golf courses, and country clubs – have discovered that EM Bokashi is a far better match for their business requirements than traditional composting. Companies note the process is faster, requires less food sorting, and does not necessitate a remote location to prevent offending clientele with rotting smells.

The Bokashi Food Recycling System can process fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy, bread and pasta, coffee grinds, cooking oils, etc. The advantages of the system:

  • Nearly undetectable smell
  • Does not attract vermin or flies
  • Faster recycling cycle than standard composting
  • Saves money in food waste disposal costs
  • Results in nutrient-dense humus for soil enrichment

Will also process dairy and oils – something often avoided with traditional composting

Effective Microorganisms have a myriad of practical home and business uses as effective composting accelerant, micronutrient fertilizer in certified organic agriculture operations, soil dehydration deterrent for commercial and residential gardens and septic tank enzyme treatment and waste treatment compound for large scale odour control, bioremediation, solid waste, and wastewater applications.


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