Editor’s Page February 2019


Clean India Journal and Clean India Show have come a very long way. The magazine grew nationally and internationally so also the exhibitor/visitor participation and the scope of the Show which is now part of a bigger platform – Clean India Technology Week – along with three other expos.

Started in 2005 with the showcasing of 15 brands in an area of 400sqmt, the integrated Expo today has over 400 brands on display in 5000sqmt. If the coming together of the cleaning industry was the highpoint of the first show, the 16th edition of Clean India Show will highlight the revolution, technology has brought into the Cleaning Industry. Digital technology, automation and smart applications are making their presence everywhere; from cleaning equipment & Facility Management processes to laundry equipment & processes, to waste management or car care technologies. The technology adoption is rapid given the cost and efficiency benefits delivered. As cleaning steps into the scope of Industry 4.0, incorporating the Internet of Things and cloud computing or goes for robot cleaners, both the suppliers and end users stand to gain.

The professional visitors to February event in Bangalore will have a multitude of take-aways as every exhibitor has something innovative and new on display. We have given in this issue a snapshot of the launches and innovations.

Our cover story itself is on a unique machine being introduced in India by Schevaran for achieving higher level of restroom hygiene. It is a multitasking product with multi features.

Also, in store for the seekers of knowledge are diligently designed conference sessions touching areas like Digital FM, Hospital infection control, Sanitation, Business of Laundry, Waste Technology and trend in vehicle care.

Yes, in tune with the rapid technology adoption around the world, our next cleaning Show in 2020 in Mumbai will bring once again “Technology at the Forefront”.

Mangala Chandran

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