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It was very exciting for the VIS team to have successfully organised the Clean India Technology Week last month in Bangalore along with a number Conference Tracks which drew professionals from all quarters. Sealing contracts & exchanging know-how was one part; but what we could also discover has been the trend & evolution the cleaning Industry is experiencing. Aptly, we have a focus feature on that.Notable among the trends are more shifts towards mechanised cleaning by new segments, high volume,efficient, durable and eco-friendly equipment and chemicals, a very high level of technology adoption in laundry, automation, innovations in waste management and efforts to manufacture customized solutions/products in India.
The way Laundrex India Expo occupied a large exhibition space this year and the fully packed seminar discussion on laundry and dry-cleaning technology and business models just went on to affirm the fact that the country has to depend on commercial linen care now onwards.
During the second half of February and the beginning of this month… we have been seeing a lot of action and reaction both at the workplace and at the national political level. The dangerous confrontation between India and Pakistan has kept us on alert and prayers for the departed armed forces, civilians & cops and their families. This perhaps is the time for action in the right direction for individual organisations as well: preparation for the unexpected and strategies for consolidation & development.
Mangala Chandran