Page 70 - CIJ April 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 70


          Technologies for bacteria-free & non-stop cleaning

          Highly suitable for areas with large traffic

                          here there is a
                          large passage
                          of people, the
                          sources of
          of germs and bacteria increase and
          so does the need for effective
          cleaning. Comac India Pvt. Ltd
          introduces technologies that
          ensures hygienic, bacteria-
          free, water-saving and
          continued mechanised
           Comac’s professional
          floor cleaning machines
          make it possible to clean
          at any time, increasing
          safety for both operators
          and travellers. Looking into
          the quantum of footfalls, the
          washrooms become prone
          to the source of bacteria and
          dirt which are carried across the
          airports and the flights too.
           Comac’s Antibacterial tank
          and Easy Clean technology:
          It is an additive that is used in
          the molding phase of tanks to
          significantly reduce the porosity
          of the plastic, thus making the
          walls of the structure smoother and
          easier to clean. The effectiveness   for the entire autonomy of the
          of this treatment is measured by   batteries, without wasting precious   Product Code: CIJ 4/20-1442
          a lower sedimentation of dirt   time in the pit stop phases, thus       Product Enquiry:
          and, consequently, a reduction   maximizing productivity and       Email:
          in the bad smells that are usually   optimizing uptime.              Call: +91 22 6140 4111
          generated inside the tanks.      Comac Fleet Care technology:
           Comac NSC – Non-Stop           This tool allows better management   the environments of the airports,
          Cleaning technology: This       of the fleet of Comac machines.   which include not only pedestrian
          solution allows the water used for   Thanks to digitalization, it is in   passages, where types of light dirt
          floor washing to be recycled, thus   fact possible to communicate   are concentrated, but also areas
          reducing the environmental impact   with machines, collect data and   characterized by the presence of
          of cleaning operations.         transform them into a meaningful   heavier dirt such as oily residues
                                          and useful information in
           Comac ReWater technology in    the management of cleaning      and grease. Just think of the dirt
          scrubbing machines: This allows   operations.                   that can be found on the floors
          to reuse the water used during                                  of airport maintenance hangars
          floor washing operations. The    Comac offers a complete range   which need specialised heavy-duty
          scrubbers can run uninterruptedly   of machines to solve the most   machines like the Comac’s C Series
                                          diverse cleaning needs required by   machine.                      CIJ

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