Page 30 - CIJ May 2024 Digital Edition
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A comprehensive strategy group, enabling you to conform to
will be required for community social distancing standards.
planning and maintenance. This Back entrances, which were not
should include content planning, given much precedence as a design
community guidelines, moderation element, are set to grow moving POST-PANDEMIC, INDIA’S
protocols, engagement tactics, and forward. The modern-day, futuristic PROPERTY MARKET HAS
metrics for success. This will also homes will be equipped with DIVERSIFIED, OFFERING SKY
include selection of the platform mudrooms armed with a bathroom,
like social media platform, a shower, and dryer. CONDOS, GREEN VILLAS,
dedicated forum, a chat application, AND SMART FARMHOUSES,
or a combination of these to best There is more emphasis on sterile- WITH ARCHITECTS AND
suit the audience and objectives. looking environment to cater to the DEVELOPERS, FOCUSED
modern-day wary consumer. This
To keep the community members will include integrating more air ON ECO-FRIENDLY
engaged through discussions, polls, filtration systems for fresh air intake, DEVELOPMENTS TO
Q&A sessions, events, and user- natural light, natural ventilation, an APPEAL TO YOUNGER
generated content campaigns could exemplary assembly of green spaces,
be planned. and an open landscape. Sustainability INVESTORS AND SECOND
Outsourced partners can help is driving the future of luxury houses, HOMEOWNERS
with community management tasks with people feeling they are being
such as responding to inquiries, seen as caring for the environment. autonomous living has become
resolving conflicts, and enforcing Hence, there is an increase in essential for the maintenance of
community guidelines. built-in facilities, including perfect long-lasting relationships.
Measuring and analysing pantry space and storage. The Going forward to 2024-2025,
the impact of the activities is home office trend is returning. the focus will likely remain
equally important. KPIS, tracking There is also an increased demand on luxury and sustainability
metrics such as member growth, for flexible spaces with good with demand for eco-friendly,
engagement levels, sentiment, connectivity, easy access to technologically advanced homes
and customer satisfaction and airports, and near the big cities are that prioritize health, well-being,
analysing the data regularly helps to preferred destinations. and environmental sustainability.
identify areas for improvement and The upsurge in buying luxury This evolution indicates that gated
optimization. second homes or holiday homes communities are poised to become
Regular review and iterate has also seen the rise of ancillary holistic systems that offer a blend of
convenience, luxury, and advanced
on community strategy based market — service apartments. facility management.
on insights from data analysis These fully furnished apartments
and feedback from community provide the occupant with world-
members ensure proper class amenities, housekeeping, and
management. various premium services.
Sustainable design concepts
Emerging new trends in are gaining popularity as
this segment public awareness of the
hazards of climate
Developers, architects, and change grows.
interior designers now focus on Grand clubs,
a wide range of design aspects fine-dining
that highlight important facets activities,
like self-sufficiency, elasticity, mental
and ecological balance. In recent well-being zones,
months, a significant shift has art & cultural
been towards semi-private outdoor programmes, spa,
places, particularly in metropolitan and other leisure.
areas. Prospective homebuyers seek The move towards
out more of these amenity places establishing
since they let you associate with communities
a more structured and controlled as opposed to
MAY 2024•Clean India Journal