How one company filled the gap in the housekeeping market

woman doing chores in bathroom at home, cleaning sink and faucet with spray detergent. Cropped view

Over one-and-half-years, a slowly refined service model for specialised cleaning of homes and smaller commercial spaces has been evolving. Debtosh Chatterjee, CEO, Chatterjee Cleaning Arts Services Ltd elaborates on his company’s new brand – ServiceZet.

Target segment

ServiceZet offers on-demand specialised cleaning and other services to the residential and commercial sector; currently, the former accounts for about 30% and the latter for about 70% of its customer base. From the residential sector, NRIs who need their homes in India maintained constitute around 3% of all clients. “This is a high-growth segment, and will increase to 5-6% within a couple of months”, said Chatterjee.

Regular cleaning is someone else’s responsibilty; ServiceZet is called upon to provide complex functions that require intense training and expertise.

Residential sector

“We serve HNI’s homes, as well as the residences of Indians living abroad, with services such as glass and chandelier cleaning, and marble polishing”, shared Chatterjee.

Say an NRI plans to visit India for the holidays. They can also have ServiceZet inspect their long-closed homes for any electrical, plumbing or civil issues, which will be compiled into a report. Repairs can be commissioned from a third-party, or ServiceZet itself.

Commercial segment

From fine-dining restaurants to IT companies, clients can request carpet shampooing, sofa cleaning and other special tasks for which they do not maintain in-house resources. Regular cleaning of washrooms is not on offer, but spring cleaning of a washroom is.


“The service is live in Kolkata and Delhi”, announced Chatterjee. “We plan to launch in Mumbai at the Clean India Show in September”.

Other markets that he is looking at include Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Chandigarh. One of his retail clients has 100+ stores across India; teams that can travel to each location have already been formed.


What differentiates ServiceZet from others offering the same options?

Service aggregators do not have their team; Chatterjee has an existing 4,500+ member workforce backed by its own call centre.

Both aggregators and their vendors will need a margin; since all ServiceZet’s resources are its own, it becomes more affordable to clients. Its employees are highly trained and strictly monitored, and its call centre team can help customers define their problems before suggesting an appropriate solution.

An aggregator’s vendors are constantly changing; with ServiceZet, clients will see the same team come for every visit, which builds trust.

“Most of our customers are repeat customers”, revealed Chatterjee. “Once they come to us, they remain with us.”

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