High-rise condo buildings typically have a garbage chute system which allows residents to dispose of items on their floor. Larger items may have to be transported to a central trash room on a lower level. A garbage chute system on each floor means that the trash would not build up in a condo suite where it can attract pests or become a health hazard. It is an integral component of condo building garbage management.
A garbage chute system is a long vertical space passing by each floor in a building. It includes a door on each floor where residents can dispose of their garbage into the chute. This door is usually contained in a small room on each floor. Garbage placed in the chute drops to a compactor or dumpster at the bottom.
A garbage chute system is made of stainless steel and incorporates electronics as well. In its simplest form, a garbage chute is a long metal tube vertically installed along the internal support structure of a building. All garbage is collected in a garbage room which is also the location of the chutes control panel. Garbage chutes are installed by mounting a Hot Dipped Galvanised Structural Bracket on the ground floor where garbage is collected. A Standard Intake Door piece is then assembled on the Structure Bracket. Garbage is meant to be put in the Standard Intake Door Piece located on each floor. Intermediate Pieces, connected to Intake Door Pieces, connect Standard Intake Door Pieces between floors. When a front wall is built on each floor, an Intake Hopper is assembled on each floor. The Intake Hopper is the face of the garbage chute on each floor and garbage enters the chute through the Intake Hopper.
Chutes of various diameters are available and every chute comes with a vent identical in size to the chute. The diameter vent is appropriate in size to the discharge outlet, sprinkler system, flushing spray head, and other accessories part of a well-made garbage chute system. A garbage chute system can be installed in an existing condo building in a matter of days. Workers who install garbage chute systems are well trained and while working ensure disturbance is kept to a minimum.
What makes garbage chutes an ideal solution for disposing of garbage in condos is its simplicity. Schonbach garbage chutes can be incorporated into the master plans of yet to be constructed buildings.
Newer condo buildings are likely to include a more sophisticated garbage chute system that can accommodate trash, recycling, and organic sorting. Described as a bi-sorter or tri-sorter, this is a single chute that can direct disposal items into two or three bins at the bottom. A panel next to the chute door on each floor allows residents to identify their disposal items. A mechanism at the bottom of the chute will direct items to one of three dumpsters beneath the chute. A chute door can remain locked-up for up to 30 seconds before releasing in case another resident is using the chute to dispose of their items. This allows items already in the chute to be deposited at the bottom and for the directional mechanism to position itself over the appropriate container. When the chute is ready for use, the chute door will unlock for the resident.
Bi or Trisorter chute systems effectively manage the garbage disposal requirements of condo buildings and their residents. Older condo buildings without a bi or tri-sorter can retrofit their garbage chute system. Customized solutions for both older and upcoming condos from ME Universal make waste management process easy and beneficial.
Like the simplest kind of garbage chute, the more sophisticated Bi or Tri-Sorter chute systems can also be easily installed in fully built structures.
Garbage chutes reduces internal collection; management and maintenance costs that result from improper transportation or disposal of waste. Bi or Tri sorter chute systems require that residents continue to separate their garbage before discarding it. Proper identification of items prior to disposal in the chute is an important aspect of condo building waste management. When condo owners do their part it saves money, is better for the environment and helps the city to reach waste diversion targets.