‘Green’ Maintenance for a Green Building

Tenon FM offers MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) services and Engineering Services with zero downtime and innovative solutions, optimising power consumption.
Scope of interventions

The complete engineering services for technical operations and maintenance of the campus’ utilities, including electricity, transformers, generating systems, diesel generators, gas generators, air conditioning plant, water treatment plant, fire system, lighting system and any electromechanical equipment on the premises is provided by them following green principles.

Innovative solutions

Tenon FM extends best practices in the areas of energy savings, sustainability and carbon neutrality. Whenever there is a new technology in the market, its team makes a presentation for their use-case and even provides training along with its partners when anything new is implemented. For example, technology to reduce cooling tower water consumption and scaling-reduction technology in chillers has been implemented by various client sites.

Among the other initiatives introduced by Tenon FM is a green checklist based on QR codes, which aids in reducing paper waste in operational management and plant preventive maintenance.

Energy efficiency

Converting lighting systems from conventional lighting to LED lighting and ensuring electrical generation and distribution is well within the limit is another measure. The required corrective measures are taken during preventive maintenance to achieve minimal or zero energy losses.

The upkeep of a building with green certification requires that it must be consistently maintained at the same level of operation and maintenance. Tenon FM possesses the expertise and qualified resources required to accomplish the same.

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