Green Waste Re-processor for Organic Waste

In India, the biggest problem is to segregate green/organic and solid waste. If the segregation is done properly the available technologies can convert the waste into products usable for eco-friendly applications such as producing energy, manures and reusable products. Clean India Ventures (CIV), a Delhi based waste management company has recently invented product to counter urban pollution and utilize the green waste in various manners. The machine named ‘GWR-Green Waste Re-processor’ has been fully developed and manufactured in India that can up-cycle the daily heap of organic garbage into bio-mass fuel and compost which can be utilized as finished product for various useful purposes.

The system is easy to install, operate and maintain, the machine is self-sustainable – rather profitable in the long run. The company is working on various models to reprocess Green Waste, Vegetable Mandi Waste, Temple Waste and Organic Waste.

The machines are providing job opportunities for at least four people at one shift on one machine and this in-turn help to process 500kg to five tonnes of waste in one day which in turn has boosted its capability to recycle 25% of Delhi’s green waste which is currently at 30,000 tonnes per year.

Green Waste Reprocessor machine has been recognised by Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation as upcoming innovation towards Swachh Bharat.

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