Impact of ESG on People, Planets & Profits

Col Navinder Narang, Head of Infrastructure Facilities & ESG at ICICI Home Finance Company Limited, delved into the intricate relationship between people, planet, and profits, emphasising the shift in focus from profits alone to a more holistic approach encompassing social and environmental concerns. He highlighted the triple bottom line (PPP) concept, urging companies to prioritise social and environmental issues alongside profits. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) plays a crucial role in this paradigm shift, intertwining with sustainability and redefining business success beyond financial metrics.

He further added that the International Institute for Sustainable Development predicts a substantial increase in ESG-mandated investments, projecting a rise from $30 trillion in 2018 to $160 trillion by 2036. This surge is partly driven by the younger generation, with 40% of Gen Z investors basing their decisions on companies with a purpose. ESG is seen not just as a responsibility but as an opportunity, transforming future investments into achievements rather than costs.

The conference marked a pivotal moment in facilities management, uniting professionals in a collaborative pursuit of sustainable practices. Through insightful panels, case studies, and expert dialogues, the event showcased facilities management sector’s commitment to integrating sustainability, highlighting innovative solutions and urging a collective, ongoing effort towards responsible resource management, operational efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

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