Importance of Detailing Your Car

Jehangir Randeria, Owner, Kamyo – The Car Spa at Your Doorstep, speaks to Clean India Journal about the value and need of thorough cleaning, refurbishing, and finishing of your car.

Buying a car is one of the important decisions, hence, people consider a lot of things before purchasing one. Three of the topmost factors we consider are cost, comfort and the period we intend to use the car before reselling it. A car is undoubtedly the second most expensive asset after the house and indeed a second home as we spend time in it, considering the modern day’s traffic scenario.

Your car is a reflection of your personality and status. But do you care for it as much as your home? Or that ordinary wash in the morning using water from the same bucket which has already washed five cars before is all that it gets. Is that enough?

What about the dusty AC vents, dirty dashboard, soiled carpets, food particles that attract pests, stains on the headliner, the dirty liquid stains on the seats (fabric or leather upholstery), muck accumulated in the boot door channel, road tar stuck to the paint, that dull look of the paint, the fading shine, ugly paint rubs of other cars and not to forget dirty wheels and tyres.

We all love our car and it makes us feel great and proud when it is shining at its best. That’s when it reflects our personality the way we want it. This is the best reason for us to detail and protect our car, our hard earned investment.

From the day we purchase our car, all the environmental factors like sun, pollution, rain, industrial fallout, bird droppings etc. start their detrimental action on it which is further compounded by ongoing negligence towards it. The result is – a car looking much older than its actual age, feeling like a messy rented cab rather than the homely ambience we desire and most importantly reflects not a very good image of our personality. Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid all this and get back that same pristine look, the delightful ambience and the unforgettable first glimpse when you brought it home from the showroom? Here’s where car detailing makes a world of difference.

Detailing is a step-by-step process of cleaning, polishing, restoring and protecting each and every section of a car’s interior and exterior finish. A professional detailing job can turn a used car into showroom fresh condition or keep a new car looking new, for years to come. Detailing involves various processes like vacuuming, shampooing, steam cleaning, high speed polishing, paint protection etc. Many a times detailing is mistaken to be cleaning and polishing, but nothing can be farther from truth. Tt is a combination of equipment, chemicals and most importantly knowledge of different surfaces in a car, like fabric, leather, carpets, vinyl, paint etc. all put together to form a systematic and efficient process to rejuvenate and protect a car’s finish.

With the rising cost of new cars, detailing is no longer a luxury but a necessity to ensure constant value and longer life of the car. It is an insurance to protect the beauty and value of a car for years and will help to fetch a higher resale value putting a good profit back into your pocket. Not to mention it makes it easier and faster to find a buyer.

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