Bring about facility-wide change
It’s also difficult to ensure 100% bio-security compliances. Staff and workers demand security and assurance in their workspaces and it’s important that we provide them with protection, other than asking them to follow self precautions. VIBASAFE presents:
Far UV 222nm lighting systems The latest Far UV 222nm lighting systems lighting for occupied spaces which provides protection as good as wearing a N95 mask creates another passive and continuous protection layer and gives a sense of safety even if there is no compliance or self-prevention protocol by any staff member. Studies including those done by the US Department of Agriculture prove that 222nm UV light is two-three times more powerful than normal germicidal UV. It kills pathogens by attacking their protein bonds too, thus avoiding photo- reactivation of viruses as is possible in normal UV, which only inactivates the DNA/RNA temporarily to avoid replication. The technology is manufactured under license from Boeing and funded by NASA and offers passive continuous surface and air dual disinfection.
Aqueous Ozone based laundry system Various studies have shown that linen fungal growth like mucormycosis, and AMR bacteria, in bed sheets/pillows etc are a major cause of Hospital Acquired Infections. Detergent allergy/asthma and increased hospital stay due to it are major experience breakers for hotels and Hospitals. The CCS Commercial Laundry Systems for hotels and hospitals can be a game changer. Just fix it to the incoming tap water line of your new or old laundry machine and ensure whiter whites which are completely disinfected with no chemical residue on the surface, and are actually fresh without detergent fragrance. There is no more browning after ironing, and it reduces the time of drying, chemicals and water usage.