Low carbon campaign for CWG

The Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 and the United Nations Development Programme have, announced the launch of the project on “Low Carbon Campaign for Commonwealth Games 2010”. Developed with the assistance of the Global Environment Facility, the project aims to develop and promote a low carbon campaign for the Commonwealth Games 2010 to induce a behavioural change amongst the citizens, athletes and visitors for the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices. The Campaign will support and strengthen the Organising Committee’s initiatives of Green Games. The project aims at developing activities like campaigns, trainings, plantations, awareness through Green Concerts, Low Carbon Fairs for students, teachers and citizens and is expected to enhance consciousness towards energy conservation resulting in a total direct CO2 emission reduction of 20,496 tonnes of CO2 over a 10-year period.

It is estimated that these interventions will indirectly contribute to a reduction of 155,844 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually (1.56 million tonnes over 10-years) due to behavioural changes in energy use by the spectators and CWG volunteers. The Campaign aims to operationalise effectively the strategy for low carbon practices like water, energy and waste savings and to adopt low carbon practices in India. The implementation of the project activities is expected to save 443MW of electricity and either reduce or offset 20,496 tonnes of CO2.

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