New tech to purify waste water for irrigation

Can also be modified for potable water

The CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur has unveiled the first-ever waste water treatment technology model which purifies waste water for irrigation/farming purposes. 

Aqua Rejuvenation Plant (ARP) is an Integrated Waste Water Rejuvenation Model which has Six-Stage purification profile for comprehensive treatment of waste water, based upon diverse purification parameters. The approx. 24,000 litres of water that can be rejuvenated using ARP will be sufficient for almost 4 acres of agricultural land (barring seasonal variations in water requirements). The used filtration media have been specially developed to handle Indian sewage water parameters and based upon geographical variations, they may be modified. The filter media is also locally sourceable, so as to ensure that there would not be any stress in the supply chain for scaled-up manufacturing of ARP. 
The treated water which is now being used for irrigation can be used even for drinking purposes when little more time is given for settling. The system has dual benefits as while the treated water is being used for irrigation purposes, the filtered sludge generated is also utilized as manure/fertilizer. The bio char prepared from dry leaves is also used for mixing in soil as it reduces the water requirement for irrigation, thus saving precious water. 

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