Controlling Contamination
In the pharmaceutical industry, Cipla Ltd has an effective cleaning programme in place. The facility has mechanisms to control potential carryover of products, including intermediates and impurities, cleaning agents and extraneous material. “This will keep the contamination below predetermined levels,” says AN Hariharan, Administration Head, Cipla Ltd.
Cleaning equipment and cleaning validation are done with equal focus on both areas – API & production. For that, we do have daily, weekly and monthly schedules.
“We outsource cleaning & maintenance to Hi-Clean, Blue Star and Cleansite. They have their own supervisor and team. But, we purchase and provide all the necessary equipment, tools and chemicals, and also provide the instructions about the dilution of chemicals. We buy the best suitable, appropriate equipment and tools be it glass cleaning kit, tufted cobweb duster, hang it bathroom squeegee or scrubber-driers. We have three units and all the units have been provided with the necessary machines. We buy chemicals from Taski, equipment from Hako (supplied by Roots Multiclean in India).”
Cipla’s management is highly conscious about maintenance. The challenges are sorted out with the help of its vendors and equipment manufacturers.
“Technology has reduced manpower needed to clean and improve the quality. In future, we would like to see more in terms of automation and customization. Maintaining the best of cleaning and hygiene standards has paid us back. The standards we maintain not only add value to our business but also inspire our employees. This gets reflected in their families’ health as well. Most importantly, it boosts the moral of employees by reducing the attrition ratio.
“Clean India Journal is doing a great job. We have adopted so many new technologies and system procedures by reading the magazine.”
Clean India Journal has been instrumental in creating the awareness cleaning standards and Clean India Shows keeps us updated with the present cleaning standards, says Vivek Soni, Manager-Hospitality, Cadila Pharmaceuticals. “The areas that need cleaning at our premises include the corporate office, guest houses, canteen and manufacturing set up and the open areas. The standards of maintenance vary as per the requirement in each of these areas. We are using Taski products for the past few years. We have also hired skilled staff with domain knowledge in facility management at the premises.”
Inculcating Civic Sense
Rising standards of quality, regulatory requirements and reporting mandates, have ensured that pharma companies validate their cleaning processes, says Major Umesh Pradhan, Senior Manager – Administration, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
We do have the necessary cleaning facilities except manpower which we outsource. Being a pharmaceutical company, we need to maintain the highest standard always. We have put “Dos” and “Don’ts” messages everywhere yet getting people to follow them will take its own time. The major challenge for us is not the cleaning but the people who are well educated but not civilized, as they do not mind littering around. We do provide the motivational training twice a month.
“Along with the latest cleaning equipment deployed, we use chemicals R1, R2 to R5 in accordance with the applications. We spend around `25-30 lakhs per annum on cleaning and maintenance.
“In order have a future of civilised people, we need cleaning institutes providing training and also management development programmes. Manuals and booklets should be made readily available on the cleaning processes.
“We must share inspirational stories on cleaning and maintenance that might help people to be more civilised.”