Integrated Cleaning & Measurement™ (ICM) programme introduced by the International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) is an open-source system in which “best practices” are defined by scientific measurement of cleaning outcomes. More about the system.
What is ICM?
Integrated Cleaning and Measurement (ICM) is an open-source system in which “best practices” are defined by scientific measurement of cleaning outcomes.
What is meant by “open-source”?
Simply stated: ICM is open to product substitution. That means the best-practice tools and processes are acceptable within the ICM system regardless of the source, provided they can provide measurement data showing their effectiveness when compared to other methods.
Why is measurement a main component of ICM?
The professionalism of the cleaning industry, with resulting positive impacts on pay scales, can best be achieved via measurement of specific results and outcomes. While a clean facility appearance is the starting point, measurement enables tracking the removal of a growing list of unseen contaminants that can impact health and thus affect broader business, public welfare and safety issues.
What types of measurement are now possible?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) detection devices, fungal enzyme, RODAC plate, petri dish and agar media, particle counter, airborne dust mass, infrared/moisture detection, and other device and measurement platforms are becoming increasingly available, portable, and affordable.
What types of measurement are still in the future?
The practical ability to monitor the air, water and surfaces for a specific type of particle, microbe, VOC or chemical contaminant and understanding the full implications of such testing is, for the most part, yet in the future. For example, we cannot yet economically test for dust particles containing pesticides and understand the specific associated health impacts, although we can test to determine total airborne dust.
Why is ICM important?
ICM is a leadership system that embraces best practices as determined by scientific measurement of outcomes, and thus levels the playing field of cleaning product and process selection using science as the main criterion for inclusion.
What cleaning systems will be replaced by ICM?
ICM by definition is an enhancement system, not a replacement system. All viable systems whether Green Cleaning, Day Cleaning, Team Cleaning, Zone Cleaning, and so on can be enhanced by ICM, that is, they can be ICM-compatible provided they utilize measurement as the basis for incorporating products and processes.
Who will do the measurement?
Depending on the type of measurement required, persons measuring outcomes may range from custodians to facilities managers to public health scientists. For example: Handheld ATP devices are simple to use and with limited training can be employed by an average cleaning worker to determine the presence of organic (germ-promoting) soil on surfaces. Particle counters can be used by lay persons to assess whether or not a vacuum cleaner is leaking dust in the inhalable particle-size range, etc.
Who will police or monitor the system?
Like other open-source systems (think of Linux in the computer field) the development and “policing” of ICM will be driven by both the industry community and experts who will be looking at the data and outcomes, keeping the process (and players) honest and transparent. The International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA), a Columbus-OH based non-profit founded in 1930, will administer the ICM Programme and promote its ongoing development.
What types of integration are part of ICM?
However, it doesn’t stop there. Effective systems integrate in a variety of ways and across a number of fronts when they are comprehensive and synergistic; thus ICM, over time, will by definition include integration of:
- Green Cleaning with Day Cleaning
- Green Cleaning with Team Cleaning
- Team Cleaning with Day Cleaning
- Facility Management and Maintenance with Housekeeping Departments
- Hospital Infection Control Departments with Housekeeping Departments
- And many other sectors and combinations where “silos” or “disintegration” exists
In short, ICM strives to create unification of elements rather than separation or ‘silo thinking’ and to use measurement as the way to define and interpret success. It is, however, a journey not a destination, and integration/ unification/measurement can be developed and improved indefinitely.
Will ICM work with CIMS?
ICM is designed to work with ISSA’s Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS.) In fact, it is recommended that before embarking on any ICM programme, that facilities management participate in CIMS training. CIMS can provide the management framework and business platform to ensure the success of an ICM programme.
How will ICM affect the way the public views the cleaning industry, and how they buy cleaning services?
The ultimate goal is that we as an industry will be able to successfully connect measurable contaminant levels with measurable health outcomes and measurable fiscal impacts (examples: lowering surface bioburden in healthcare leading to reduced nosocomial infections and healthcare costs by a specific percentage; reducing airborne particles in schools leading to fewer allergies and asthma attacks and increased attendance), so that cleaning will be evaluated and purchased based as much on health outcomes and real business impact, as it is now mostly based on whether or not the facility looks and smells clean for the lowest price possible.
What related fields provide a pattern to follow?
Most cleaning results measurement is now occurring in the fields of foodservice safety (e.g., using ATP to measure cleanliness of kitchens), mold and water damage restoration (using fungal and moisture detection methods), and other fields where verification is considered important.
What related fields provide tools to help develop ICM?
Infection control in healthcare, industrial hygiene, and remediation disciplines are among the key sources of ICM system and measurement development.
How will ICM affect the cleaning industry as a whole?
As we scrutinise and improve what we are actually doing, the resulting positive health and operational impacts – and publicising of these successes – will raise the level of respect the public has for commercial cleaning. At least, that is a long-term goal; one that we believe is achievable.
Who will be opposed to this approach?
Probably, nobody will oppose a sensible, science-based approach. However, initially products and processes that will not withstand scrutiny will be most sensitive and vulnerable. Proponents of these less-effective methods have much to lose if they do nothing, or much to gain by paying attention and acting appropriately.
How will ICM work with CIRI?
The further development of the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI) International will increasingly highlight the importance of integrating cleaning with measurement for the betterment of public health and, in fact, the entire cleaning industry. ICM will be fueled and driven by the efforts of CIRI and similar organisations
Laura M. DiGiulio, International Executive Housekeepers AssociationHospitality & Pollution
The hospitality industry can produce toxic air pollutants and ozone-depleting substances. Simple cleaning supplies, synthetic materials, paints and pesticides can release toxic air pollutants and volatile organic compounds (VOC). These air pollutants could also leak into the outdoor air through doors, ventilation systems and other openings. The chemicals in these substances can react in the air to form ground-level ozone (smog), which has been linked to a number of respiratory effects. Ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons may be released by improperly maintained heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units, refrigeration units and fire extinguishers.
Controlling Waste
Further, says Sharda Sharma, the hospitality industry encompasses a wide range of services and activities. It includes travel related services like lodging, laundry, food and beverage and convention centers. Maintenance and operational activities of the hotel releases a lot of waste that may add to air and water pollution.
The emission level of hotels in Delhi is guided by very strict laws. Most of the hotels are responsible for the waste they generate as the licenses depend on them. Controlling waste is one of the most important factors in reducing emissions. For water, it is mandatory for hotels to have sewage and effluent treatment plants. These help reuse water and also control the water that goes in the municipality drains.
The corporate social responsibility of the hotels is increasingly focusing on the need to exist in harmony with their surroundings and reduce their footprints for sustainability. Hotels are increasingly encouraging environment friendly practices with initiatives such as education programmes and over the last decade, the concept of eco-tourism is catching up all over the world. Hotel companies are being prompted by rising energy costs, government pressure, consumer expectations and the competitive landscape to increasingly make sustainability and emission reduction a top priority.
Making changes in how hotels maintain their facilities can stop pollutants at the grass root level and improve indoor and outdoor air pollution. Air pollution can be reduced by use of non toxic cleaning products and chemicals. “ We at Clarion Collection, New Delhi, use non toxic certified environmental friendly cleaning products and pest control chemicals” says Sharma.
Cleaning all the parts of air system, installing an air purifying system, regular cleaning of the upholstery, encasing mattresses and pillows and regular vacuum cleaning of carpets help in improving the indoor air quality.
Hotels can reduce water pollution by small steps towards conservation: Good housekeeping practices like checking and avoiding leaks, unnecessary use of water for cleaning, lowering the pool levels to avoid splashes, using energy and water efficient machines for laundry and kitchens and using recycled water for irrigation of landscaping helps in a long way.
Going Green
Today’s business is all about being green, says Amritaksha Chatterjee. From logistics supply chain management to real estate, from information technology to healthcare sector, everyone is employing greener practices, be it packaging or use of eco-friendly hybrid vehicles. Although a late starter, hospitality industry too is slowly but surely adopting green practices to curb greenhouse gases.
Embracing eco-friendly initiatives will go a long way in reducing operational costs and in increasing the bottom line. Energy conservation is one of the best possible ways to cut costs. Since power is the second highest expenditure head for hotels, accounting for 30% of total costs, the effort going into conservation is huge.
Every hotel is different in nature and the solutions for making it green have to be customised keeping in mind its limitations. First and foremost is to bring operations into compliance with all environmental regulations, then adopt pollution prevention and resource conservation practices. Lution. A hotel creates an opportunity to reduce pollution.
Many hotels in the recent past have started embracing eco-friendly practices by trying to build green hotels at the project stage as well as at the operations stage. Such green projects are also doing well in terms of their product acceptance, technology and the brand appeal. Starting from using green building materials such as solar panels to garbage disposable plants to using all recycled material, some hotels have been doing their bit to environment although there are some hotels which have been violating environmental norms with great impunity.
The green revolution in the hospitality sector works on two levels – operational and consequential. Hotel operations have to be streamlined through better heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, re-using water from air-conditioners, recycling bio-degradable wastes and use of energy-efficient lighting. Waste hauling is a huge expense for a hotel which can be lowered drastically through recycling and avoiding wastefully- packaged products. Guests can participate by using the recycling containers in their rooms and throughout the property, utilizing the towel and linen reuse program, and controlling the use of lighting and air conditioning in their rooms.
Further, the message of cleaner and greener environment is best spread through the staff and employees who come in direct contact with guests. Along with guests is the supply chain. The challenge is to see how luxury and responsibility could be in harmony together.
Additionally, hotels must designate smoking areas and create non-smoking zones to avoid health hazards owing to environmental tobacco smoke. Patrons who visit the hotels more often than not opt for non-smoking zones.
Hotels can reduce pollution by….
- Practicing the 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle
- Using water-based or other less toxic, paints and coatings to maintain floors and walls.
- Using “good housekeeping” measures
- Using sensors in public toilets to conserve energy
- Using energy conservation devices in hotel rooms and auto switch mode.
- Using recycling methodology to conserve energy / water on linen wash.
- Using energy saving note in the rooms to encourage guests to practice so.
- Having more non-smoking zones.
- Checking for leaks in piping, to avoid loss of ozone depleting substances
- Conserving electricity
- Maintaining greenery in and around the hotel.
- Using natural pesticides as they have fewer chemicals
- Installing energy efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs, heating and air conditioning, washers and dryers, and other electrical equipment.
- Installing water conserving showerheads and toilets in guestrooms
- Evaluating cleaners, sanitizers, paints, pesticides and other chemicals used throughout your facility.
- Buy recycled-content products for the office, construction and remodeling projects.