In 2025, India will consume 396km3 of water under normal conditions. If the monsoon fails, the scarcity would be even greater. The question that arises is – where will all this water come from? Self-reliance in our water needs through access to satisfactory water sources is going to be a great problem. We have a chance to mend our ways, to take stock and make a difference. By protecting our freshwater, we can help to ensure our future and our children’s (and planet’s) long-term prospects.
Indeed, it is possible to mitigate the fresh water crisis. Rainwater harvesting, reducing water wastages and water recycling are such solutions which should be seriously looked at.
Eureka Forbes Institute of Environment is providing following services:
- Education: As part of its educational programme, the company conducts awareness services at the premises of Housing Societies or Corporates or Industries to explain what rainwater harvesting is all about. It also has specific programmes like ‘Water Conservation’, ‘Reduce your Carbon Footprint’ and ‘Global Warming’.
- Technical Consultancy on Rainwater Harvesting: Realising that consultants charge exorbitant rates Eureka Forbes provides an economical alternative to people who are interested in getting the best services and techniques at affordable value. For one time survey of site for appropriate site specific measures for rainwater harvesting, only a token ‘Commitment Fee’ is charged.
- Implementation of Rainwater Harvesting: No civil works related to implementation of rainwater harvesting systems are carried out by the company. The contractor, the Society or Corporate is adequate for the same. However, the company can support the contractor by providing technical supervision during implementation of rainwater harvesting.
- Wastewater Recycling: Water and waste that we discard can be recycled and turned into a valuable resource. Consultation is offered to treat wastewater through natural as well as mechanical ways to use it for secondary purposes like toilet flushing, gardening and car washing.
- Water Audit (Management): A water audit can identify productive use and needless waste of water. Water management study identifies and evaluates present rainwater harvesting provision, wastewater treatment provision and checks for any deviation. Recommendations are given based on field visit and site study.