Shipping – Good Environment Practices


A shipyard that designs, builds and repairs ships is a place where the industrial process has to be modelled in such a way that the chances of pollution, contamination, emission of poisonous gases and generation of toxic waste are minimum. It is here, that the name of Goa’s Vijai Marine Shipyard comes in the forefront and that too in the national spectrum of shipbuilders. The company carries out its operation in such a way that no hazardous materials are released in its industrial waste. Suraj Jairam Dialani, Business Head, Vijay Marine Shipyard, says:

Equipped with CNC press brake, adequate machinery and tools, the shipyard can execute interior wood works, metal cladding, fender fitments and fabricate air ducts for HVAC systems. This shipyard does not release any toxic industrial garbage.”

The shipyard also follows all cleanliness norms laid down by the Indian government and other international maritime bodies. “We have zero complaints, thus proving that our management of cleanliness operations in the shipyard is perfect. A shipyard generates a large quantum of solid waste as the operation of shipbuilding and ship repair is carried out on a mammoth scale. We collect all loose metal scrap in large size bins and dispose them off. High pressure washing of paved areas is done frequently and enclosed spaces are done by use of high capacity industrial vacuum cleaners.

“A shipyard is a vast place and a large number of very scientific and sophisticated machines are used for the purpose of cleaning operation. We use high pressure machine, 150 bar and 500 bar. High capacity industrial vacuum cleaners are used at regular intervals. General booming and watering loose mud surfaces are the best cleanliness method in shipbuilding industry. Liquids used are mostly fresh water, thinner and de-greasers.

“It is important to develop self-sustaining system for sanitation at economical cost to encourage small industrial units for incorporating STP and fresh water re-cycling and converting salt water to fresh water RO systems. Defogging and pest control to be made economical so that everybody can afford it.”

The shipbuilding and ship repair materials that have the potential to cause pollution of the waterways, the sewer or ground water must be selected very judiciously.

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