Insha Exports Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, presents a wide range of Ultimate Stainless Steel Dispensers, L’esclusiva Gamma Dispenser, which allow consumers total control of outflow and measurable usage. It comes with a beautiful stern remote control which can be programmed for each washroom to get desired results in terms of water and soap usage. It is a cost effective solution in the long run.
- In accordance with LEED and BREAM.
- Utilizes Stern’s smart sensor technology
- Can be adjusted any time via advanced and easy to use remote control.
- Correspond to all possible installation methods and the latest requirements of the projects in terms of design, ergonomics, function, materials and maintenance.
- Can be powered by battery or transformer (interchangeable any time) and even be delivered with unique automatic power back up solution
- Comes with Remote control to program me usage each wash floor