Cleaning agents

Addressing Challenges in Hospitality

[box type=”shadow” ]In housekeeping, things turn challenging when it is not in keeping with the set standards. Bharati Ulpe, Corporate Housekeeper, Kohinoor Group, shares cleaning standards and addressing challenges at…

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Understanding Car Detailing

[box type=”shadow” ]The growing market for car detailing is flourishing with more and more luxury cars entering India. South Indian hub of automobile companies along with it’s multiple showrooms across…

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Facade Cleaning & Safety

Internationally, countries have laid down stringent safety laws, regulations and standards pertaining to façade maintenance and window cleaning. But, in India there are no laws or rules specifically laid down…

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Choosing right cleaning agents

Acids to chemicals to bio-products – all cleaning agents are intended to clean, disinfect and sanitise. But lack of proper knowledge of the ingredients in each agent & their properties and also the amount to be used for different applications can very often prevent the cleaning processes from achieving optimum results. Mohana elaborates on the need for appropriate and efficient use of cleaning products.

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