Facade Cleaning & Safety

Internationally, countries have laid down stringent safety laws, regulations and standards pertaining to façade maintenance and window cleaning. But, in India there are no laws or rules specifically laid down…

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Sweeping off the Broom

Some companies still do not realise that the most expensive piece of equipment being used within the company is a broom, which involves expensive manpower. Sweepers, on the other hand,…

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Effectively Realising Synergies in the Supply-Service Chain?

In the supply-service-serviced chain, identifying, quantifying, executing, and tracking synergies across the portfolio of deals and deeds among the three, increase the profitability of the companies involved. To provide industry players opportunities to learn
best practices through effective synergies in successful models, Mohana M discusses the successful collaboration between equipment supplier & service provider and service provider & end user.

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