
Investing in Food Safety

[box type=”shadow” ]Manufacturing facilities are governed by Standard Operating Processes which define the extent of cleaning required for a contamination-free production facility ensuring safety and quality of product. Investments in…

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Magic Cleaners

Does the overpowering stench of drugs and disinfectants in a hospital leave you nauseated. The good news is that some of the top hospitals in Mumbai are spending good money…

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Coach Cleaning

The January issue of Clean India Journal discussed at length the increased efficiency mechanised cleaning can bring both in terms of cost and the cleaning results. While building service contractors and Facility Management companies are putting equipment and chemicals to optimum use in maintaining various facilities, Railways, Airports and Highways are also experiencing the benefits of mechanisation. CIJ had earlier covered the cleaning system adopted by the Southern Railways. This time, the focus is on the Central Railway. During a visit to the Central Railway offices in Mumbai and also to one of the Railway yards, CIJ’s Mohana found that within six months of adopting mechanisation in coach cleaning, the results seem very encouraging.

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Choosing right cleaning agents

Acids to chemicals to bio-products – all cleaning agents are intended to clean, disinfect and sanitise. But lack of proper knowledge of the ingredients in each agent & their properties and also the amount to be used for different applications can very often prevent the cleaning processes from achieving optimum results. Mohana elaborates on the need for appropriate and efficient use of cleaning products.

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