Facade cleaning

Permit to Work

Companies rely extensively on contractors for manpower and specialised skills when it comes to facility management. Service providers are contracted for a wide variety of tasks including maintenance, facade cleaning,…

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Safety measures for High rise façade cleaning

With the rise in mega cities and tall structures, façade cleaning is getting more difficult and challenging. With no formal governing bodies there is an urgent need to have rules and regulations for high rise façade cleaning. Suhag Khemlani, Deputy Managing Director, Technoclean (India) Pvt. Ltd, takes us through some safety measures for high rise façade cleaning

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T1, T2, T3… Rising Challenges of Indian Cleaning Industry

About 150 cleaning machines, more than a 100 cleaning tools, gallons of cleaning agents, a dozen service providers, over 1500 cleaning workers… these and more are collectively engaged in maintaining the massive structure of the Terminal 3 at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. In spite of the organisational difficulties like budgetary constraints, equipment limitations, manpower inadequacies and above all passenger indifference, the cleaning industry is gearing up to see that T3 could be kept as clean as it is today. An exclusive report by Mohana M.

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Cleaning & Restoring of historic buildings and monument

Anyone faced with the task of performing restorative cleaning on a historic building has a whole series of fundamental and far-reaching decisions to make. The unique testimonies of the past must not be irretrievably damaged or even destroyed by inappropriate methods, as facade cleaning is one of the most demanding cleaning tasks. There is hardly any other cleaning task that requires so much know-how and experience or the use of a range of technical procedures and equipment. The diversity of materials used in building facades, the state of decay caused by weathering, the varied structures & shapes and the numerous types of contamination found on the exteriors of buildings, always necessitate a solution which is specifically designed to suit the conditions on site. A distinction is made between mineral soiling such as efflorescence, sintering, pigment discolouration and the products of corrosion, i.e. verdigris, manganese dioxide and rust and organic soiling,i.e. soot, algae, moss,lichen and bird droppings. Dirt containing oil and grease adheres to smooth surfaces and provides a good base for further deposits.

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