Safe Drinking Water

Clean Water for Anybody, Anytime

[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” ]CSR funds today are being largely utilised towards meeting the most pressing requirement of India – toilets Another burning issue affecting the very life force and which…

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Clean Water Bodies

Hundreds of children formed a human chain at Sambalpur town, 320km from Bhubaneswar on the banks of Mahanadi for the right to safe drinking water. The outfit ‘Water Society Organizations’…

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Women & water woes

Civil society and NGOs are talking about a decentralised approach to water management initiatives with women at the centre. The framework should reflect the complex water situation and ground realities; or else, women will continue to bear the entire burden of having to provide water to the family.

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Affordable Water Purifier

Tata Chemicals recently launched ‘Tata Swach’ – a unique and innovative water purifier. The replaceable filter-based product, which is entirely portable and based on low-cost natural ingredients, delivers safe drinking…

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