The Alpha and Omega of Hotel Operations

Hotels range from luxurious and often sprawling properties to small budget ones which are restricted in terms of space. While cleaning smaller areas may seem to be easy, there is a drawback of being unable to use mechanised cleaning due to space constraints. Relying on domestic tools and materials for cleaning may not be a disadvantage, but not having trolleys that carry supplies wastes time and energy in the cleaning process. Larger hotels are able to use mechanised cleaning. However, here the concern is with the number of staff required to man all areas and the training required for mechanised cleaning. In both types of properties, the difficulties of cleaning due to constructional design would exist. In smaller properties, the space saving design creates areas that are difficult to access for cleaning. In the larger properties the area to be covered may be larger and widespread but more often than not, design is more aesthetic and less practical in terms of cleaning and maintenance. While curves may be aesthetically appealing, they require detailed attention while cleaning. In some of these cases, outsourcing seems to be a possible solution.


While outsourcing of housekeeping solves many problems, one needs to be prudent about selecting the contracting company. Negotiating and co-ordinating with the outsourcing company are exigent tasks. With the wide range of services that may be required and the availability of these services from a large number of outsourcing companies, there are no formulae for success, only instinct developed through experience and awareness.

In most cases, the materials and cleaning agents are the best products which can be made available in the budget allocated. The entire approach to maintaining the stock of these chemicals changes when there is cost-cutting. Ordering of supplies is put on hold and cleaning staff do not get the necessary chemicals when needed. A great deal of time is wasted by operational staff in obtaining these supplies. This s a cause for frustration and over a period of time, staff resort to short-cuts in performing the standard cleaning procedures. If this becomes a regular practice, no amount of training can bridge the gap of what it is and what it should be. “There is no question of propagating cleanliness as an essential factor in the housekeeping of hotel and then stepping back on the practices in order to cut costs,” says Marie Nadkarni, Director-Housekeeping, Radisson-New Delhi. “Any responsible hotel that has taken the onus of maintaining cleanliness and protecting environment cannot resort to cost-cutting of cleaning supplies and advocate wrong practices.

“Such a practice of reducing stock or buying economical products which are not as per standards, not only hinders the quality of service but sends a very wrong message to the housekeeping staff.” On the one hand, housekeeping staff are trained to consider the customer as a priority and perform beyond expectations. On the other hand, by cutting cost, reducing cleaning cycle, using sub-standard products… sub-standard performance is advocated as an accepted norm. These two are contradictory messages that would hamper the confidence of the cleaning staff.

“As a leader, one cannot come back to the staff and expect them to maintain standards at a later stage when the going is good. There has to be consistency and not compromise where cleanliness and hygiene are concerned. Above all, every hotel has to keep in mind that they are dealing with people who go by what we teach them and hence, there has to be absolute clarity.”

Right Manpower

Housekeeping being a labour intensive department, it is important to recruit the right kind of staff. Quite often the personal profile of a prospective candidate and the profile required for the job may not match and the choice made is not of the perfect candidate but of an individual who is available, in the hope that training will bridge the gap. At every level in the housekeeping department, the job demands long hours and strenuous work. Certain tasks might even be physically dangerous. Added to this is the fact that the job is a mundane one and unlikely to attract those who are interested in projecting their image via their job profile and designation. Serious thought needs to be given on what can be done to provide dignity of labour in this area of work.

An executive housekeeper of a hotel is not only maintaining the premises and ensuring cleanliness and hygiene but is also involved in the procurement of major high tech equipment/machines for the department, choosing the right linen and designing uniforms… he or she is a business manager in a way. With specialisation in housekeeping and grooming in the rooms division, a major revenue earner for any hotel, a well-educated executive housekeeper can rise to become the GM of a hotel too. There are few who have achieved this feat in this industry.” – Maria Nadkarni

In the past, the department has been dominated by the fairer sex but in recent times there are many male entrants who bring with them a tough approach when handling operational staff. Staffing the housekeeping department at all levels is perhaps the most difficult task and the process never ends. The integrity of the housekeeping staff is an element that holds a high rating. Frequently, in the desperate attempt to meet staff requirements, one may select unsuitable candidates whose dishonesty can radically affect the reputation of the establishment, accumulate colossal losses as a result of pilferage and even pose hazards to the security of the property.

Housekeeping today is not just about dealing with outsourcing of services. A housekeeper is a human resource, finance, quality and guest service manager all rolled into one. – Kanika Hasrat


The benefits of training are evident but are also tedious. Some of the obstacles are the language barrier that exists at lower levels. This can partially be overcome by colour coding. Training for housekeeping staff requires to extend beyond skills. The core of the training focuses on ensuring the efficiency of the staff and cleaning chemicals. Training the housekeeping staff to be aware of energy conservation will not only reduce the impact on the environment but also bring about substantial savings in operating costs. Housekeeping staff, especially those who work in rooms will also require training in customer relationship and communication skills. Offering educational opportunities to the staff employed at lower levels and motivating the supervisory level staff by providing performance-development programmes are becoming regular practices now. The housekeeping job in the hotel industry can be a stepping stone for future positions and promotions and many have taken the journey from Housekeeper to General Manager.

Enhancing individual performances must be combined with training for developing teamwork skills. The scheduling, assessing the availability of staff, dealing with staff shortage, rescheduling, co-ordinating with other departments are all a major exercise in teamwork.

Emphasising the role of housekeeping, Kanika Hasrat, General Manager, Trident, Jaipur, says, “Housekeeping today is not just about dealing with outsourcing of services but also procuring of material, thereby ensuring quality of supplies, detailing quality of work on work orders as well as monitoring productivity of vendors. In case of work orders which are normally given to reduce workload or get a specialist to do the required task, the housekeeper also becomes the negotiator to ensure that the hotel receives the maximum benefit from the deal. A housekeeper is a manager who is a human resource, finance, quality and guest service manager all rolled into one.

Almost 70 % of the entire hotel inventory is the responsibility of the housekeeper so it is definitely managing money matters that also hold the key to a successful career in housekeeping.” Kanika has also been Director of Services at JW Marriot and worked in other posts earlier, before rising to become the GM.

Time Management

The biggest challenge in performing housekeeping tasks, however, is time management. Cleaning in public areas for example, requires incredible speed in order to ensure that areas are not put out of operation for longer span of time. Staff cleaning guest rooms barely have 15-20 minutes to return the room to its immaculate condition. They are expected to clean at least 15 rooms in a shift. A simple multiplication of minutes may indicate that this is feasible but there are many other factors like transportation of supplies, availability of materials and equipment, filling in records and dealing with complaints that deter this routine. These are the most obvious areas where time management is relevant. When looking at the bigger picture there are many more… round the clock operations, back-to-back occupancies, unforeseen emergencies, handing over between shifts, check-in/check-out time coinciding with staff lunch break.

Co-ordination with other departments

A new challenge has evolved as the hotel attempts to ensure the maximum sale of rooms. Tariffs are lowered and the kind of clientele this brings causes damage to the property and leaves behind rooms that require thorough cleaning which is time-consuming.

As part of teamwork and time management, inter-departmental co-ordination is highly essential. The three departments which constitute the accommodation operations and services are the Front Office, Engineering and Housekeeping. The ultimate aim of this trio is to provide clean, comfortable, attractive rooms with friendly and courteous service. This must be provided economically and efficiently and it must also be taken into consideration that a room not sold for a day is a loss of revenue that cannot be retrieved. Rooms are the chief concern of the Front Office and Housekeeping departments and therefore, they need to continuously exchange information on room status.

Such information helps the Housekeeping department to organise its work and have the rooms ready on time. This is particularly crucial when the turnover is high and the occupancy is back-to-back and also when there are groups checking in or checking out. A flow of information in the reverse direction is also necessary to tally the physical count by the housekeeping with that which is featured on the reception board. Releasing of ready rooms to Front Office ensures that they are able to allocate rooms without hesitation.

The Maintenance department is responsible for the provision of engineering facilities that contribute to the comfort of the guest. The Housekeeping relies on Maintenance to keep things in order whether they are fixtures in the hotel or cleaning equipment that are operated by housekeeping staff. Implementing pro-active maintenance requires both departments to work in unison rather than resorting to bust ‘n’ fix strategy. At times of renovation, spring cleaning and hotelservicing of facilities in the room, it is essential for all the three departments to work in close co-ordination. The perfect harmony of Front Office, Housekeeping and Maintenance is on every hotel manager’s wish list but what actually exists is a set of ego clashes and playing out the blame game. However, the housekeeping department has a pivotal role in controlling this interaction.

Housekeeping is no more a mundane job; its scope has expanded and has become more interesting. It gives housekeeper a sense of responsibility, integrity, loyalty and honesty. – Sheila Rawool

“The Hotel Housekeeping scenario has changed in the past few years. It’s no more a mundane job provided the housekeeper takes the right approach,” says Sheila Rawool, Executive Housekeeper, The Fern Residency, Mumbai.

“With improved technology of cleaning machines, cleaning agents and techniques, the scope of housekeeping has expanded and has become more interesting. The choice of guest amenities and guest supplies has widened in the market, with each hotel trying to outdo the other, and housekeepers can be very innovative and display their skills by selecting the right amenities and guest supplies that are appreciated. In fact, managing all this in a given budget is a skill that the housekeeper can achieve through awareness, decision-making and negotiation. Involving the team members in departmental activities, including budgets, gives them a sense of responsibility and problems of integrity, loyalty and honesty are automatically solved.”

Hotel housekeeping is a challenging job and extends way beyond just cleaning. The kind of challenges that are faced by Housekeeping departments are numerous and varied and those who meet and master these challenges would be able to reveal the major role of Housekeeping in a hotel. By performing its tasks to perfection, a hotel housekeeping department can help increase room sales far more than any marketing gimmick. In every area, housekeeping tasks are the Alpha and the Omega of Hotel Operations and therefore, it is essential for the housekeeping department to be aware of the challenges that they are likely to face from A to Zee!


Avril Sule
Hospitality Educator and Trainer

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