Training for volunteers

Under the ‘Clean up Mumbai Campaign’ an interactive training session for the first- ever batch of 50 ‘Clean-up Fining Volunteers’ in July was conducted. Representatives from United Way of Mumbai, Officer on special duty from MCGM and Clean Up Marshal agencies jointly guided the young fining volunteers.

The volunteers are an active part of an orgnisation ‘World Alliance for Youth Empowerment (WAYE) and are from 18 different wards of the city. The training imparted were –

  • To behave in most possible polite manner while dealing with any defaulter,
  • To carry fining ID card and Arm Band each time they carry fining,
  • To follow instructions of the ‘MCGM Cleanliness And Sanitation Byelaws 2006’,
  • To try and avoid circumstances leading to a dispute and leave the place if the colunteer sense the conditions unsafe,
  • To call police at telephone number 100 or call concerned Clean Up Marshal in-charge in times of needs

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