Two renowned FM professionals’ associations to collaborate

The UK-based Institute of Workplace & Facilities Management and the Facility Management Association of Australia will join forces in the pursuit of workplace and facilities management excellence. This transcontinental alliance will connect FMA’s 2,000 strong membership to IWFM’s community of 17,000 workplace and facilities professionals across 80 countries.

Under this fiveyear collaboration, the partners will develop a number of joint initiatives to support the informal professional development of their respective members while working towards more formal arrangements for sharing access to member benefits and services. Cross collaboration will happen across a number of member services including access to exclusive research and insight reports, training and conferences.

The arrangement also allows for the mutual recognition of membership credentials.

The broader aim is to collaborate on activities to advance the profession’s development internationally, including knowledge, research, innovation and bench-marking, embedding the Workplace and Facilities Management Professional Standards, ISO Standards, accreditation and assessment schemes.

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