Upskilling and updating the laundry industry

Between 17th and 23rd July, four laundry business workshops were conducted by CINET for laundry owners and their employees belonging to the Dry Cleaners and Launderers Association of India (DLAI) in Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi and Lucknow. Here are glimpses of the event and its takeaways.

The DLAI Summer Tour 2023 was a whirlwind of workshops, discussions, training sessions and interactions between various stakeholders of the professional laundry industry. The focus areas of the sessions were retail and industrial best practices, machine maintenance, profitable processes and more. Sessions on wet cleaning and dry cleaning, changing market demands, PTC circularity and sustainability, professional training and certification, business strategy and international innovations drew scores of delegates who wanted to upgrade their knowledge and the road to better profits and service delivery.

Laundry owners were guided about how to improve efficiency and logistics, expand their business, address business issues, increase profitability and keep up with sustainability trends.

Other topics of discussion included the direction in which the industry is heading, handling clients, the role of AI and new technologies, handling delicate garments, basic on-the-go troubleshooting and details of wet washing and dry cleaning.

Suresh Bhatia, President, DLAI and Anup Poddar, Vice-President opened the event on behalf of the Board of DLAI. The full-day programs were designed and organised by CINET and presented by a CINET team of experts, supported by international suppliers and professionals from the international drycleaning and laundry industry. DLAI developed this initiative to reach out to India’s PTC industry, providing expertise and knowledge to support their members in business development.

Some 45 companies came to Fortune Park JP Celestial Hotel for the first event in Bengaluru to participate in an extensive program focusing on after-Covid market challenges, advanced modern PTC processing, innovations, sustainability projects, human resource management and strategies for new business models adapted to specific customer target groups.

The Winners of the Global Best Practices Awards 2022 in Milan presented their company and business case within a framework of education and training, presented by CINET qualified trainers. Participants were offered a free 60 days of e-learning of their choice, subscription to the Wopcom Platform as well as an exam to become the first ‘India Master in PTC’.

The event was well-attended at every location, and the need for such regular events across India was reiterated.

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