Clean India Journal presents Clean India Awards to encourage individuals & companies in the Cleaning Industry for their efforts in promoting professional cleaning through products & systems.

The Award recognises the contribution made to cleaning technology, innovation, adaptability to local condition, cost effectiveness and environment friendliness. The products & systems will be nominated by an eminent panel of jury and also voted by visitors during Clean India Pulire 2013.

In addition to the cleaning award, the annual Clean India Awards recognises the ceaseless contribution made by staff that make our surroundings liveable through the Best Room Attendant Award in the hospitality segment and Best Janitor Award attached to a Building Service Provider. (Sector)

More significantly, the Awards include Civic Recognition.

Adding on to the celebration and excitement are the Special Jury Awards and Special Felicitation Awards for Indian Cleaning Industry Companions who have walked along side Clean India Journal in its journey.

Categories :

EQUIPMENT — Nomination Form Click Here

(All kinds of cleaning/maintenance equipment)

TOOLS —  (Nomination Form) Click Here

(All kinds of cleaning/maintenance tools)

CHEMICALS — (Nomination Form) Click Here

(All kinds of cleaning/maintenance chemicals related to surface & linen)

HYGIENE SOLUTIONS — (Nomination Form) Click Here

(All kinds of cleaning/maintenance products & systems required for sanitation of washroom, hand, surface and textile; pest management)

Guidelines for Nominations:

1. Eligibility of Product:

• The product must be displayed at Clean India Pulire 2013.

• Product must be launched and/ or available for purchase with effect from 1st of January 2012 onwards.

2. Entries & Category placements:

• One product can be nominated in only one category.

• Three products can be nominated in each category.

• Totally five products can be nominated by one company.

3. Validation of the product placement:

• Clean India Journal, reserves the right to re-assign nominations to a more appropriate category, as May seen deservable in consultation with the members of the jury in the best interest of the nomination.

4. Nomination Deadline:

• The deadline date for submission of nominations is September 27, 2013.

5. Clean India Journal reserves the right to withdraw any category under exceptional circumstances.

6. An Entry Nomination fee of  Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand plus service tax of 12.36%) must be paid in full within 15 days of submission of the application. For more information on HOW TO PAY  the application fees : Click Here

Rules & Regulations (Terms and conditions)

1.  Participation/ Submission of entry form does not guarantee getting an award.

2.  Forms have to submitted online as per guidelines. No rectification can be made to the submitted forms. Participants wanting to make changes will have to submit a new entry form.

3.  Following registration, participants will be required to submit product demo video DVD/CD’s ad product brochure as and when called for by the Jury to the given below address:

Virtual Info Systems Pvt Ltd

231, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms, Mayur Nagar,

Aarey Milk Colony, Goregaon East Mumbai – 400065

Tel: +91 22 6120 4111


4.  Any entry that does not conform to the submission procedure as described in the nomination guidelines could be ineligible unless/ otherwise the panel of judges deems participation in the competition as reasonable. The Jury decision is final

5.  All Information given by the exhibitors/ nominee companies will be treated in the strictest confidence.

6. Category winners will be announced during the Clean India Awards 2013 Show on December 6, 2013.The press will be present at this event.

7. By virtue of their participation in the competition nominating companies are deemed to grant permission to use photographs, demo video and product information for all promotions in publications and third party media. No transfer of intellectual property rights or copyright is inferred by entry in the Clean India awards 2013; organisers respect all rights vested in original products.

8. Companies entering this competition accept the conditions of the award and agree to unconditionally abide by the jury’s decision.

9.  The display of the nominated product in the Clean India Awards 2013 pavilion is MANDATORY.

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