Disinfection systems for shared spaces

Used by the world’s most advanced clients like Boeing

CIJ 10/17-1241

The pandemic has shown our biosecurity infrastructure also determines our economic security.
It’s important that attempts to achieve hygiene and infection control remain sustainable, reduce chemical consumption and make the planet greener. Keeping this in mind, VIBASAFE™ has introduced two of the most powerful disinfection systems in the world: Emist Electrostatic Disinfection System

It covers large spaces in less time and ensures that disinfectants are able to reach the most difficult of spaces and corners. Launched during the Ebola scare in 2014, its 360º wraparound effect coupled with the lowest flow rate ensures 50-70% reduction in disinfectant consumption. It follows all EPA requirements for better disinfection and no floating aerosol (unlike foggers, which could harm others and are hence banned).

Krypton Disinfection 222nm Lighting Systems used by the Chinese and other teams during the Olympics too, it provides air and surface disinfection at the same time. This ensures continuous protection as you get on with work, or as your child is attending school or when you sit watching your favourite movie in the theatre. It provides protection equivalent to wearing a N95 mask, thus preventing chances of spreading infection; a real boon for public spaces and shared working areas where it’s difficult to get users to maintain protocols. It is proven safe for the eyes or skin in many studies, does not contain mercury and is effective as soon as it is switched on.
Both systems are EPA-registered and FDA-approved, and boast users and clients like the White House, US Army, Air Force, Pentagon and large MNCs like Google, LinkedIn, Nestle etc.

Emist is the only sprayer with multi-polar ability as per the comparison list posted by EPA on its website. Boeing has entered into a technology license agreement with FAR UV Technologies, manufacturers of Krypton 222nm disinfection systems and a company funded by NASA for its cockpit and flight deck disinfection systems. Both provide extremely good customer visibility and hence also assurance of safety.

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