Editor’s Page January 2018

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As this January edition of Clean India Journal goes to press, we are also engaged in giving the finishing touches to the annual Clean India Show and the parallel expos on waste technology, laundry and car care happening in Mumbai from January 18. The coming together of multiple segments has made the event larger and more exciting. There are multiple seminar sessions as well, collecting together global speakers. Like we have AC Thanos Bourtsalas from the US, Dr Kalogirou from Greece, Carlo Vandecasteele from Greece or Dr Rakesh Kumar from CSIR-NEERI talking at the waste management conference. The full day session on Facility Services will see the best of FM and property management professionals sharing knowledge on procurement. The session on hospital infection control is bringing in the experts and doctors from across India. Participants at this full day conference include Dr R.D. Kulkarni from SDM College, Dharwad, Dr Jayanti Shastri from Nair Hospital The other sessions too have the best of speakers one has been waiting to listen to.

At Clean India Journal, we are happy that a whole lot of talent is brought together for the benefit of professionals involved in the cleaning business. We invite all to make best use of the opportunities for business and for understanding newer solutions.

Being part of the team for bringing out a Journal on cleanliness and hygiene, my eyes are tuned to look for news related to these areas. Politics or sports or glamour fall behind. A January 12 newspaper report that Mumbai Municipal Commissioner along with Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar inaugurated mechanised cleaning of the seafront in Bandra west, Mumbai. Efforts at mechanised cleaning of roads have not been very successful, but let us hope this attempt would take off. In another area of Mumbai’s western suburb, a temple, which generates up to 500kg of wet waste, including all the floral offerings, has set up solar panels and converted its existing biogas plant to produce electricity.

When the central government wants to accelerate the Clean India process, it is absolutely necessary that we tune ourselves to mechanised cleaning and smarter waste conversion.

Clean India Show is all about that.

A happy 2018 to our readers.


Mangala Chandran

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