Page 24 - Clean India Journal - August 2023 Digital Edition
P. 24

Facility ManageMent

                                            SOBHA uses organic waste      coolant levels, water pressure,
                                          converters (OWCs) in all its    hydrants used in firefighting,
                                          projects, requiring residents to   draining sediments from fuel tanks
                                          segregate organic and inorganic   in a generator and so many more.
                                          waste. To ensure this is followed,   Every equipment and activity to
          Being able to order             we implement a 4 R methodology
          material and spare              – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and    be conducted has a process that is
                                                                          followed to the dot.
          parts and having them           Recover. Improper segregation
          delivered on time is            can result in faulty operation of an   Post-handover FM
                                          OWC, increasing the maintenance
          essential. Unavailability       cost and downtime.                As per contractual obligation,
          of a spare part may               In water jet cleaning, using   SOBHA maintains its projects
          result in the STP not           excessive high pressure would   for one year. For projects being
                                                                          completed and handed over in a
                                          lead to wastage of water while low
          working, affecting the          pressure may not be effective. Use   phased manner, maintenance is
          overall uptime of a plant.      of the right nozzles and liquids   provided until the handover of the
                                          helps avoid this.               complete project.
                                            SOBHA provides more open and    Resident associations can choose
                                          green cover than is required as per   to retain SOBHA for maintenance
                                                                          after the expiry of the one-year
                                                                          committed period or have other
                                                                          service providers engaged. As per
            Steam boiler used for laundry at SOBHA                        RERA, a warranty period of 5 years
            Hermitage, Thrissur                                           is mandatory for the structure,
              Since the working pressure required for laundries is low, a steam   which includes both the apartment
            boiler is ideally suited; it requires lesser maintenance and has a   and common areas.
            respectable efficiency of 75-80%. Running such a system is easier and   For properties where maintenance
            does not require high-skilled operators.                      is continued after one year, SOBHA
                                                                          extends support for common area
                                                                          hygiene, maintenance of DG
                                                                          sets, fire systems, providing fire
          FM and sustainability                                           training to residents, water quality,
                                          regulations, which means more
           Only treated water from STPs is   landscaping, trees and vegetation.  waste management etc. To ensure
          used for landscaping and cleaning   There are several unnoticed   transparency, we insist on all
          of basements and other common   areas that go into FM. Take for   expenses to be pre-approved, with
          areas. Proper drainage is provided   instance checking air cleaners,   regular audits being conducted by the
          for wastewater that can be further                              residents’ association and SOBHA.
           Let’s take landscaping – we
          ensure that there is minimal impact
          on existing vegetation, right from
          project conceptualisation. Trees are
          replanted as far as possible, and
          flora is planted that complements the
          existing vegetation. Landscaping is
          done in a way that the natural flow
          of water is maintained and collection
          pits with proper drainage are
          provided to collect sewage water,
          or rainwater collected from both the
          ground and rooftops.                                                                               CIJ

               AUGUST 2023•Clean India Journal
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