Page 10 - CIJ May 2023 Digital Edition
P. 10

News Track

          E-waste recycling increased over five years

          But 67% of e-waste remains unprocessed

            ndia recycled only 32.9% of   the 16,01,155 tonnes of e-waste
            the e-waste generated in 2021-  generated, 5,27,131 tonnes (32.9%)
            2022, data from the Ministry   were recycled. In 2020-21, 26.33%
         Iof Environment, Forest and      of e-waste was processed, while
          Climate Change shows. While the   in 2019-20, the figure stood at
          figure has gone up from previous   22.07%. It was 21.35% in 2018-19
          years, it indicates that a staggering   and 9.79% in 2017-18.
          10,74,024 tonnes (67%) of e-waste   The data also shows that in
          remained unprocessed.           2021-22, Haryana collected and
           Unprocessed e-waste poses a risk   processed the largest amount of
          to health and the environment as it   e-waste at 2,45,015.82 tonnes.
          contains several toxic substances   A 2020 report by the Global   & Information Technology,
                                                                          acknowledges that the “most
          such as lead, cadmium, mercury,   E-Waste Monitor notes that India   formidable” challenge to e-waste
          polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),   has the highest e-waste generation   management is in the informal
          etched chemicals, arsenic and   in South Asia. It is also the only   sector. In its vision for 2030, the
          asbestos, which can be hazardous   country in the region to have laws   report suggests regulating the
          if not disposed of in a scientific   on the collection and disposal   informal sector through legislation,
          manner. If not segregated from   of e-waste. The report states,   robust data collection and an online
          other solid waste that finds itself at   “Legislation in India has been a   portal for transparency.
          landfills, these toxic chemicals may   driver for the setting up of formal
          leach into the soil and hence pose   recycling facilities… However,   The government’s new rules in
          an environmental risk.          formal recycling capacity remains   e-waste management took effect
           Several agencies, including    underutilised, as the large majority   last month. These rules restrict
                                                                          the manufacturing of electronic
          the United Nations, have said   of the waste is still handled by the   components that contain hazardous
          that untreated e-waste also ends   informal sector.”            substances such as lead and
          up in informal industries where   The Centre for Science and    mercury beyond the maximum
          children are employed to dismantle   Environment has called the   prescribed concentration. They
          electronics. Exposure to chemicals   informal sector “the backbone   also provide for the “recognition
          such as lead and mercury can    of e-waste recycling in India”,   and registration, skill development,
          adversely affect children’s growth   as it reportedly handles 90% of   monitoring and ensuring safety
          and development.                the country’s e-waste. A 2020   and health, of workers involved
           According to the data provided   report by Greene, an initiative   in dismantling and recycling of
          by the ministry, in 2021-22, of   by the Ministry of Electronics   e-waste”, the ministry has said.

          Cipla recognised as ESG champion

                 t KPMG’s ESG Conclave    Governance through its advanced   setting wide-ranging multi-
                 and Awards 2023 Cipla    initiatives. Cipla’s reduction of   stakeholder goals.
                 Limited has been awarded   its scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions,   This recognition exemplifies
         Athe ESG Champion                water usage and waste generation   the company’s commitment
          Award in the ‘Pharmaceutical &   from their operations in FY22   towards environmental, social and
          Healthcare sector’ category by   were outstanding facets under its   governance stewardship. Cipla has
          KPMG at their ESG Conclave and   environmental stewardship. Apart   been investing in greener technology
          Awards 2023, held in Mumbai.    from its diversity & inclusion   and processes, creating social
           The company emerged as a       initiatives, Cipla also fared well   impact for communities, and serving
          ‘Champion’ across all three pillars   given its strong measures on   markets to promote healthier people
          of Environmental, Social and    compliance, transparency and    and a healthier planet.

               MAY 2023•Clean India Journal
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