Page 8 - CIJ May 2023 Digital Edition
P. 8
Editor-in-Chief : Mangala Chandran
Editor : Mohana M
Associate Editor : Mrigank Warrier
Editorial Assistant : Tulsi Khandelwal
Studio Manager : Madhu K
Director Projects-Clean India : Prakash Kuttappan
GM-Sales : Manjulatha
Manager Sales : Shubha Acharya
Coordination : Swati Sakpal
he Central Government’s recent decision to develop 100 GM-Marketing : Reema Trivedi
‘healthy and hygienic food streets’ across the country is AM-Digital Marketing : Dipesh Ayare
encouraging news. ₹1 Cr per food street will be provided
to states from the National Health Mission funds. IT
TActivities such as safe drinking water, hand washing, toilet Manager : Sudarshan Jadhav
facilities, proper liquid and solid waste disposal, provision for dust Assistant Manager : Aditya Nair
bins etc will be promoted and funded. CIRCULATION
Quite aptly, when we plan a ‘clean’ project, multiple elements Manager : Prashant More
come together. The ‘cleanliness’ ecosystem encompasses
innumerable products, processes, technologies, human resources MANAGEMENT
and the support of both the public and private sectors. The Chairman : Jayaraman Nair
forthcoming Clean India Technology week in September Managing Director : Jayaprakash Nair
in Mumbai will project what it takes to bring in cleanliness
holistically. The scope of the event is so very wide that one may
not want to look beyond. Advisory Panel
Ralph Sunil, Senior Vice President Administration, JSW Steel,
By and large, Clean India Journal has always been trying Vijayanagar Works
to approach cleaning issues segment-wise to go deep into the Charu Thapar, Regional Director & Head Strategy & Platform,
requirements and the solutions available. Learnings from the PAM Asia Pacific, JLL India
pandemic, coupled with the stringent global stipulations for quality Vinay Deshmukh, Executive Director & CEO, Forbes Facility Services
production facilities for the pharma sector, have forced the Indian Dr Shakti Singh Chauhan, Country Head - Facility Management, 32nd
government to make Good Manufacturing Practices mandatory.
Our main story this month is on how facility management in Editorial / Marketing Office:
pharma needs to be perfected and monitored. This, if we want to 204 - 207, Techno IT Park, New Link Road, Next to Eskay Resort,
Eksar, Borivali (W), Mumbai - 400091, India
maintain our global ranking in pharma production and exports. Tel: 022-6120 4111
FM in other segments like malls is equally challenging and E-mail:
elaborate. Right from the time the car enters the premises and Editorial :
leaves after a few hours, there is an array of details to be attended Sales :
to. From car parking and vehicle checking, maintenance of all Website :
touch points – floors, restroom/food court/escalator – to ventilation, CIN : U72200MH2000PTC129334
energy usage and security/safety.
Coming back to government intervention, the Ministry of All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or full only with written
Housing and Urban Affairs is making it mandatory for all permission. All disputes are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction. Printed
and published by Jayaprakash Krishnan Nair, B / 202, Godavari
upcoming housing societies and commercial complexes in the CHS, Sector 9, Vasant Nagari, Vasai (E), Thane Dist., Maharashtra,
country to ensure net zero waste and have their liquid discharge on behalf of (or owned by) Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd, 316, 3rd
floor, Mastermind 1, Royal Plams, Mayur Nagar, Aarey Milk Colony,
treated, as part of its push for reforming and modernising the Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400065. CIN U72200MH2000PTC129334.
sewage disposal system. Printed at Metro Graphics, D101, Akurli Industrial Estate, Akurli
Road, Kandivali (East), Mumbai-400101 / Sugam Printers, 21/649,
For all solutions for waste management and treatment, the Waste West-View CHS. Ltd, Shastri Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai
- 400104; and published at Virtual Info Systems Pvt. Ltd, 316, 3rd
Technology India Expo 2023, has the answers. If one is serious Floor, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms, Mayur Nagar, Aarey Milk Colony,
about zero waste, the Expo is not to be missed. Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400065. Editor: Mangala Chandran, 21, Sea
Springs, B.J. Road, Bandstand, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050
Content Disclaimer: The views expressed in the magazine are purely that of the
writers and the publishers are not responsible for any of the expressions therein.
Mangala Chandran
8 MAY 2023•Clean India Journal