Page 8 - CIJ Feb 2024 Digital Edition
P. 8


                                        his issue, sure, has turned      The main feature in this issue is on
                                        quite heavy, in terms of both   waste management: the economics of
                                        the content and industry        disposal and recycling. The challenge
                                  Tparticipation. An amalgamation       is more with dry waste especially,
                                  of viewpoints on Cleaning Industry    plastics and construction debris. As
                                  trends throws light on areas that     per the industry/corporates, municipal
                                  need to be explored and understood.   corporations and facilities are sharing
                                  Topping the new segments that will    the responsibilities of collection,
                                  dominate 2024 will include religious   segregation, processing, recycling
                                  tourism, necessitating demand-based   and disposal. The economics are
                                  cleaning schedule. Industries will go   worked out as per the predetermined
                                  for expansion and diversification.    parameters.
                                  Workplaces could get smaller and IT
                                  applications will dominate across the   There is this write up in an English
                                  sectors.                              national daily very recently. It says our
                                                                        crisis could be ‘wastefulness’ rather
                                    There is a general consensus that   than waste. The writer is referring
                                  2024 will be highly focused on        from the book by Oliver Franklin-
                                  sustainability. Be it chemical-free   Wallis -- The Truth About What We
                                  cleaning, energy efficiency in selecting   Throw Away, where it Goes and Why
                                  cleaning machines, or usage of water   it Matters. The waste industry is bound
                                  or materials. When it comes to office   up by global economy and recycling,
                                  spaces, the clamour for green facilities   may not work for all materials. The
                                  will get stronger. These will include   challenge for a zero-waste economy
                                  higher indoor air quality and hygienic   could be to minimise the amount of
                                  waste disposal.
                                                                        waste created. For a common man,
                                                                        the message can be to buy as less as
                          Mangala Chandran

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