Page 8 - CIJ July 2024 Digital Edition
P. 8


                                                                   However, the FM leaders also
                                                                 caution that along with technology,
                                                                 it is also important to put in place a
                                                                 people centric and relationship focused
                                                                 approach to achieve the desired result.
                                                                   One segment that is expected to
                                                                 optimise its Facility Management
                                                                 is warehouse operation. This issue
                                                                 of Clean India Journal brings
                                                                 to focus the need to leverage
                                                                 technologies in streamlining
                                                                 processes for maintaining safe and
                                                                 clean environments in warehouses,
                                                                 along with the larger picture of
                                                                 logistics & supply chain, and direct
                                                                 home delivery to the customers
                                                                 that has become the norm. The
                                                                 cleanliness, hygiene and storage
                                                                 are so very crucial for getting the
                                                                 articles, especially perishables in
                                                                 good condition. Yes, we do hear of
                                                                 occasional bad deliveries!
                                      s we cover every aspect      Month after month, the magazine
                                      of professional cleaning   is packed with varied content related
                                      across segments and        to cleanliness and sustainability.
                                      how cleaning processes     One will get to read the advanced
                           Aare changing with                    approaches to pest management
                           technological, social and economic    (today, even bedbugs are managed
                           developments, we inevitably come      with the help of IoT, sensors, big
                                                                 data and electronic monitoring and
                           back to look more into the core       detection systems!), upcycling of
                           aspect: How facility management is    waste and an informative interview
                           getting smarter keeping pace with     with the CEO of Noida International
                           smarter buildings that are automated   Airport that is setting new standards
                           and responsive. In this issue too,    of sustainability. And not to miss the
                           we have experts talking about how     Editor’s note on the agony and ecstasy
                           sustainability continues to be the    of using escalators at the suburban/
                           common thread in managing an          Metro rail stations.
                           office or large complexes. Facility
                           Management is driven by IoT devices,
                           cloud based platforms, AI, sensors,
                           mobile apps, real-time data and more.  Mangala Chandran


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