Page 20 - CIJ March 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 20

Cover Story

                                                                            Clear Vision on

                                                                     Grishma Zade, the dynamic
                                                         Manager-Infrastructure and Facilities

                                                            at ICICI Home Finance, is currently
                                                              responsible for maintaining three
                                                      properties of her company, including the

                                                     Corporate HO tower, a guest house and a
                                                   newly inaugurated office: in all, catering to
                                              around 1,050 employees. As the single point of

                             contact, she is involved in project and O&M activities related
                                     to renovation and repair & maintenance of offices and

                                                                           stand-alone properties.

                    rishma states that    housekeeping personnel. With
                    all office spaces     feedback from end-users, EcoSys
                    are decorated and     as a cleaning product is still   Be aligned with PM Narendra
                    maintained with eco-  evolving, getting to the right level   Modi’s net zero goal for 2070.
         Gfriendly products that          of composition and concentration.   We should start small right
          are green-certified. “Chemicals and   However, she feels they have made   away, so together we shall reach
          consumables used for day-to-day   the right choice and eventually, the   the goal by 2070.
          cleaning are green and even the   vendor will deliver.
          ply used in making office partitions   On the use of sustainable
          has been made from crops.” While   products, Grishma says that the
          admitting that green products   first piece of office décor to be
          come with a higher price tag, the
          company’s clear vision and her   replaced would be commercial ply
          well-honed negotiating skills ensure   with an eco-friendly option. The
          the 15-20% cost increase makes the   e-certification of these products
          whole initiative viable.        provide longer guarantees. They
                                          are stronger, float on water and
           The selection process for the   are fire-resistant. Similarly,
          right cleaning product was done   day-to-day acid-based
          after initial surveys and identifying   cleaning products could
          nine vendors based on fixed     be replaced with eco-
          parameters. Vendors were asked   friendly ones. “With
          to share samples of their product   a clear vision on
          after which they were tested for   sustainability,
          dilutions and performance. Three   we will be
          vendors were short-listed and after   taking more
          working with them for a month,   green
          one was finalized. While TASKI
          R6 was good for deep cleaning, it   initiatives
          was equally important to ensure   in the
          the product was safe for use by   future.”

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