Page 18 - CIJ March 2024 - Digital Edition
P. 18

C o ver  S t or y
          Cover Story

                                                                                        products to break
                                                                                        down grease
                                                                                       and dirt. Plant-
                                                                                      derived surfactants
                                                                                      are derived from
                                                                                     renewable plant
                                                                                    sources and are
                                                                                   biodegradable and
                                                                                  less harmful to the
                                                                                 environment than
                                                                                 synthetic surfactants.
                                                                              •  Natural Extracts and
                                                                                 Essential Oils: Natural
                                                                                 extracts and essential oils
                                                                                 are derived from plants
                                                                        Bio-     and are used in various
                                                                     based       applications, including
                                                                                 fragrance and flavoring,
                                                                Chemicals:       cosmetics, and household
                                                             These chemicals     cleaning products.
                                                          are sourced from
                                                      renewable biomass       •  Green Catalysts:
                                                   sources such as plants, algae,   Catalysts are substances
                                                                                 that increase the rate
                                                   or waste materials. Examples   of chemical reactions
                                                   include bio-based solvents,   without being consumed
                                 aturally occurring   biofuels, and bioplastics. Bio-  in the process. Green
                                 chemicals include   based cleaning products are   catalysts are more
                                 unprocessed       used to manufacture soaps,    sustainable and
                                 chemicals         detergents, and pesticides.   environment-friendly than
                     Nfound in nature.             •  Biodegradable              conventional catalysts,
                     These include chemicals that     Polymers: These are        often using non-toxic or
                     can be sourced from plants,      designed to break down     renewable materials.
                     microorganisms, animals, the     into natural components
                     earth, and the sea, and those    when exposed to         •  Recycled Chemicals:
                     that are found in nature and     sunlight, moisture,        Recycled chemicals
                     extracted using a process that   and microorganisms.        are produced from
                     does not change their chemical   Biodegradable polymers     post-consumer or post-
                     composition.                     are used in various        industrial waste streams
                                                                                 and undergo processes
                       Green chemicals, also known    applications, like         to purify and reuse them
                     as sustainable or eco-friendly   packaging, agriculture,    as raw materials in new
                     chemicals, cover a wide range of   and textiles.            products. This reduces
                     products and processes designed   •  Green Solvents: Green   the demand for virgin
                     to reduce environmental impact   solvents are environment-  materials and minimizes
                     and achieve sustainability.      friendly alternatives      waste.
                     These chemicals are derived      to traditional solvents
                     from renewable resources and     sourced from petroleum-   These segments encompass
                     designed to be safer for human   based sources. They     just a few examples of the
                     health and the environment       have lower toxicity and   diverse range of products and
                     compared to conventional         volatility compared to   processes within the green
                     chemical counterparts. An array   conventional solvents.  chemicals industry.
                     of segments falls under the   •  Plant-derived             Green chemicals have
                     umbrella of green chemicals,     Surfactants: Surfactants   gained significant traction in
                     including:                       are used in cleaning    industries and institutions.

               MARCH 2024•Clean India Journal
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