Page 10 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 10


                                                                  Catch-22: While subscription models on
                                                                  cleaning  equipment  offer  flexibility,  they
                                                                  often  lead  to reduced  service  levels  as
                                                                  principal employers slash equipment costs
                                                                  from SLAs, leaving businesses with a choice
                                                                  between high upfront costs or compromised
                                                                  service quality.

                                he third quarter is always a      a strong demand for machines at competitive
                                hectic time for businesses. Teams   prices, digitization has gained momentum, and
                                are focused on closing out the    automation is gradually increasing.
                                year’s targets, budgeting for the   In contrast, the laundry service segment,
                    Tnext, strategizing future goals,             which is booming, is becoming increasingly
                    and celebrating successes. At Clean India     cost-sensitive, leading to inconsistent equipment
                    Journal, our editorial team has been hard at   purchasing patterns. Faced with a wide range
                    work capturing industry trends, understanding   of brands and price points, laundry operators
                    market demands, analyzing growth patterns, and
                    engaging with key players to develop the focus   are either directly procuring branded machines
                    story for this November issue. This story will   from international manufacturers or opting for
                    provide valuable insights into the global cleaning   unbranded or cheaper local alternatives.
                    and laundry industry, as India continues to be a   Finally, we would like to thank Tony
                    sought-after destination for manufacturers.   Chazhoor, MD-IP Cleaning India Pvt. Ltd (A
                      Over the past two decades, there has been a   Tennant Company), for organizing the Indian
                    consistent effort to see a growing demand for   delegation’s visit to the Tennant headquarters
                    mechanization, and more recently, automation   in Minneapolis, USA. It was a memorable
                    and digitization. Interestingly, the focus is   experience filled with lots of learning and
                    now on increased demand for digitization      fun too.
                    and, to some extent, automation. However,       Happy Networking at the Clean India Show
                    there remains a limited supply of customized   from November 21 to 23.
                      The services segment, which accounts for
                    60-70% of cleaning equipment consumption in
                    India, is experiencing the highest demand for
                    outsourced facility management. While there’s   Mohana M


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