Page 14 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 14
New biogas plant for Chhattisgarh
new compressed toward achieving net-zero establishing biogas plants for clean
biogas plant is emissions. This initiative reflects cooking fuel, lighting, and thermal
set to be built India’s commitment to expanding energy, which will contribute to
in Durg district, its renewable energy capacity GHG reduction, improve sanitation,
A Chhattisgarh, with and encouraging sustainable empower women, and create rural
a Rs60 crore investment. This development through innovative employment. And, producing
initiative, a collaboration between waste management solutions. organic-enriched bio-manure
the Bhilai Municipal Corporation, The Ministry of New and from the digested slurry of biogas
the Chhattisgarh Biofuel Renewable Energy (MNRE) has plants, helping farmers reduce their
Development Authority, and Bharat announced the continuation of the dependency on chemical fertilizers.
Petroleum Corporation Limited National Bioenergy Programme, set
(BPCL), aims to convert urban solid to run from FY 2021-22 to 2025-
waste into eco-friendly biofuel. 26. This comprehensive initiative
The plant is expected to process aims to promote sustainable energy
150 metric tonnes of solid waste solutions and has been structured in
daily, significantly lowering two phases, with Phase-I receiving
greenhouse gas emissions while a significant budget of Rs858 crore.
promoting organic farming. This allocation includes Rs100
Additionally, it is anticipated crore specifically for the Biogas
to create 30,000 man-days of Programme.
employment annually, aligning The Biogas Programme consists
with the state’s ambitious goals of several key objectives including
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NOVEMBER 2024•Clean India Journal