Page 19 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 19
Haritha Mitram App for Smart
Garbage Tracking
he Haritha the system involves placing QR
Mitram - Smart codes at each collection point,
Garbage streamlining all future actions
Management based on this scanned data.
TSystem app is
transforming non-organic waste Key Features for
monitoring in Kerala, offering Stakeholders and
stakeholders at all levels —
from state authorities to local Service Providers
self-government ward officials The app offers dedicated
— a unified platform to oversee features for the Haritha
waste management operations Karma Sena and other service
digitally. providers, detailing specific
Developed by Keltron under routes, schedules, and customer
the guidance of the Haritha complaints. It records waste
Keralam Mission, Suchitwa type and volume at the source,
Mission, and KILA, the app tracking services provided,
tracks every element of field- and fees collected. This data
level waste management, is aggregated into a web-
particularly the activities driven based dashboard accessible by
by Local Self-Government officials at local, district, and
Institutions (LSGIs), including state levels to evaluate and
sanitation progress, public optimize waste management
grievance resolution, and performance daily.
financial reporting. The system
provides real-time data on A Collaborative
waste collection practices Effort for Cleaner
across various sources like Communities
homes, shops, hospitals,
public places, and institutions, Implemented with support
enabling authorities to monitor from the general public,
waste generation, service elected representatives,
charges, and collection government officials, and
schedules with ease. various community groups,
Haritha Mitram empowers
Comprehensive users to request timely services
GIS and QR Code and report delays directly. The
app also offers information on
Tracking specific waste collection days,
Equipped with GIS tracking, helping residents stay informed
Haritha Mitram allows real- and participate in sustainable
time mapping of collection waste practices.
points and GPS tracking of Through its database and
waste collection vehicles. The tracking capabilities, Haritha
system also integrates QR Mitram serves as a critical tool
code technology, enabling for local self-governments and
easy scanning of homes and the state, offering invaluable
establishments to track waste data to inform planning
contributions and payment and development for future
compliance. The initial phase of environmental initiatives. CIJ
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Clean India Journal•NOVEMBER 2024 19
Clean India Journal