Page 18 - CIJ Nov 2024 Digital Edition
P. 18


          Water Recycling mandatory for

          Residential Societies by 2027

                     ujarat is planning    Introducing Extended             New Mandates for
                     to implement the
                     new Liquid Waste      User Responsibility (EUR)        Industry
                     Management Rules       A core component of the rules is the   Industries will also be required
         G2024 which will apply            Extended User Responsibility (EUR)   to adhere to stringent water reuse
          on residential societies. These new   policy, which mandates that bulk water   targets. For example, an industrial
          rules will mandate that residential   users are responsible for treating and   facility using 100,000lt of freshwater
          societies, both existing and newly   reusing a portion of the wastewater   daily will need to recycle at least
          constructed, adopt water recycling   they produce. To ensure accountability,   60% of this water by 2027-28. These
          practices, beginning in 2027.    societies will need to report monthly
          The regulations aim to promote   and annually on water consumption,   targets specifically impact water-
          sustainable water management     wastewater generation, treatment,   intensive sectors such as thermal
          across residential communities,   recycling, and discharge via an online   power, textiles, and pulp and paper.
          urban areas, and industrial sectors.  platform managed by the CPCB.  Real estate developers are already

           Under these rules, which         Starting April 2027, newly      beginning to incorporate water-
          is currently in draft form, the   constructed societies must recycle at   saving and recycling systems in
          residential societies using over   least 20% of their total water use, with   new residential buildings, according
          5,000lt of water per day or      the requirement increasing to 50%   to Credai Ahmedabad, noting
          generating a pollution load of more   by April 2030. Existing societies will   proactive efforts within the industry.
          than 10kg in biological oxygen   have slightly lower targets, initially   However, the textile processing
          demand (BOD) will be classified   recycling 10% in 2027-28 and rising   sector, which consumes significant
          as bulk water users. These societies   to 25% by 2030-31. Societies will   water, highlights that meeting the
          will be required to register with the   also be restricted from partnering with   new recycling standards will likely
          Central Pollution Control Board   entities not registered under these rules   require additional government
          (CPCB) through a centralized portal.  for wastewater management.  support.

          Door-to-Door Collection to Curb Roadside Dumping

                    o tackle the rising   of this waste, helping to divert it   practice that escalates during
                    issue of horticulture   from illegal roadside dumping.  dry seasons — pose significant
                    waste in the city, the   Additionally, municipal officials   environmental concerns and are
                    Ludhiana Municipal    aim to enhance the city’s landscape   punishable by fines of ₹5,000 to
         TCorporation is                  by bringing in an expert to revamp   ₹25,000 under the National Green
          hiring contractors for door-to-door   main roads and intersections, taking   Tribunal (NGT) guidelines. The
          collection of green waste directly   inspiration from the landscaping   planned door-to-door collection
          from households. This initiative   efforts seen in Chandigarh and   aims to eliminate the need for such
          will allow residents, particularly   Hyderabad. Funding for these   methods, reducing pollution and
          those with large gardens, to    beautification projects will come   encouraging sustainable waste
          responsibly dispose of organic   from corporate social responsibility   management.
          waste for a nominal fee, reducing   (CSR) contributions by private   The introduction of this waste
          the common practice of dumping it   companies. To support the ongoing   collection service is expected to
          along roadsides.                efforts, the horticulture department   simplify disposal for residents,
           Municipal Commissioner Aaditya   may also bring in temporary labor,   foster community engagement
          Dachalwal has emphasized the    addressing its current staffing   in eco-friendly practices, and
          importance of this initiative. The   challenges.                contribute to Ludhiana’s urban
          hired contractors will handle the   Improper disposal methods, such   cleanliness and environmental
          collection and responsible disposal   as the burning of organic waste—a   goals.

          1 18  NO VEMBER 202 4 • Clean India Journal
               NOVEMBER 2024•Clean India Journal
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